For Students: My College List, Top Choices

Top Choices are your personal way to list your favorite colleges in your My Colleges List.. Your individual list will never be shared with colleges.

Your personal top choices will also show in your college list and as a category in table view

TIP! You can add as many top choices as you like and top choices can always be changed or updated as needed.

Why Should I Add Top Choices My Schools?

Your list might have a lot of schools and choosing your top choices will help you to better keep track of the schools that you are most interested in. This might also help you to stay on top of important deadlines, messages, or meetings with the school.

Also having a list with top choices will help keep your counselor informed on what schools are most important to you, which will help in the guidance and advice that they give to you.

Adding Top Choices in Scoir

If you haven't already, you will want to use Scoir to discover colleges and add schools that you like to your My Colleges List.

Once you have some schools on your list follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Add Top Choices Button in the upper left hand corner of the screen.

  1. Use the arrows to sort schools into your top choices, click done to finalize

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