For Counselors: Manage Application Materials

SCOIR has added the ability to search for and manage students' application materials.  Search for any students who may be missing a transcripts, or search for all the students who have a counselor evaluation.   Whatever the need, filters are here to assist! Navigate to the Applications tab at the top of the screen, landing on the "Manage" tab.  

Default view will be the current seniors tiles in alphabetical order.  Highlighted will be any current documents that the student has in SCOIR.


 Click on the SCOIR Filtering option to open up the available filtering tools:

You can edit the class year if needed.  Default class year will always be current seniors.


Filter by Counselor.


Filter by student groups.


Filter by application method.

Filter by Document.



profile, documents, overview, counselor, applications, manage

How did we do?

For Counselors: Send Application Materials
