For Students: What To Do If You Have Multiple Accounts

Please note: Accounts cannot be merged in Scoir. The follow directions need to be followed if you have multiple Scoir accounts

If you have multiple Scoir accounts, please follow one of the below steps:

  • If you have a personal Scoir account that is NOT synced to your high school in Scoir: If you would like to continue to use your personal account by linking it to your high school in Scoir, please refer to this HelpDoc on Linking Your Account to your High School.

  • If you have a personal Scoir account and a high school connected Scoir account: If you would like to only use the Scoir account linked to your high school, then you can delete your personal account. We strongly recommend keeping the high school connected Scoir account over your personal account. Follow these linked directions on How to Delete Your Student Account

  • Involve your high school counselor: Only if your high school uses Scoir, your counselor can also follow the following instructions to assist you with moving to a singular Scoir account that is linked to your high school in Scoir. They will need to change your email address in the Scoir account at your high school to match your outside email address. Your counselor can do this by following the below step-by-step directions:
  1. The counselor can look up you (the student) in the search bar, navigate to your personal profile and change your email address area in their personal details section.

  1. They can then invite you to Scoir from the same Personal Details area:
  1. You (the student) will then get a linking email from Scoir to connect your account from the invitation the counselor has now sent.
  2. Students can always change their email if needed. Please refer to our Changing Email Addresses or Adding Backup Email HelpDoc within Scoir.
Please note: Email addresses must be unique to one Scoir account only; the same email address cannot be used on multiple Scoir accounts. Ex. if is being used on one Scoir student account, it cannot be used to create another Scoir student account or be used on any other Scoir student account as an alternate email address. See the Changing Email Addresses or Adding Backup Email HelpDoc for more information.
Counselors can always dis-enroll a student from a high school as well if needed by following this Scoir HelpDoc on Removing an Active Student from Scoir

How did we do?

For Students: Linking Your Existing Scoir Account to a High School
