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For Counselors: Upcoming Career Readiness Solution and 2025 Price Change

Customer Support Updated by Customer Support

We’re excited to announce we’re building a Career Readiness Solution to expand our network and serve non-college-bound students on their journeys (starting in middle school!).

We’re also enhancing our College Guidance Solution to better support students in college and career discovery, as well as provide counselors the flexibility they need to manage their unique schools.

While we’re still building, what you’ll find below reflects anticipated solutions and costs. Be sure to check back for updates!

In continued support of our mission to expand college access and improve student outcomes, Scoir will discount these high school prices 50% for students eligible for free or reduced price school meals. 

We commit to holding the price of Scoir steady for all current customers until 2025 renewals. 

As we make progress, our commitment to transparency in pricing and the solutions we provide will not change!

Even with these changes, Scoir remains the most affordable solution in the space

Price Change FAQs

Why are you changing the price?

Since 2016, you’ve helped us build a College Guidance Solution used (and loved!) by more than 2,000 high schools and nearly 1 million students. In that time, we’ve been committed to keeping the cost as low as possible, and that hasn’t changed. As you would expect, though, the expense to maintain and expand our solutions, as well as deliver the level of quality of service you deserve, has increased over time. 

We very methodically and carefully looked at the numbers to ensure that we could maintain and enhance our current solutions, create new solutions, and continue to be the most affordable provider on the market. 

We also wanted to ensure you had plenty of time to prepare, and that’s why the new pricing won’t take effect until your renewal in 2025. 

When will the price change take effect?

When your contract renews in 2025.

Is the price negotiable?

Our goal is to be as transparent as possible in everything we do, including anticipated changes in pricing. We’ve shared these details as far in advance as we could so you can plan appropriately. If you have any concerns about your ability to continue using Scoir as a result of these changes, please contact your Customer Success Manager directly so we can discuss your options.

Does the free and reduced lunch discount still apply?

Going forward, schools will be given a 50% discount for those students who receive free and reduced lunch.

What if we were promised Free Forever?

Free Forever schools using our College Guidance Solution are excluded from this price change. You will continue accessing the College Guidance Solution for free. If you’re a Free Forever school interested in expanding your use of Scoir for Career Readiness, that cost is $2.40 per student.

Career Readiness FAQs

What if our team doesn’t want the Career Readiness Solution? Can we keep the price we have now?

The Career Readiness Solution can be purchased separately from your College Guidance Solution. The Career Readiness Solution is purchased separately from the College Guidance Solution that you currently have. The Career Readiness Solution is part of the Middle School or Plus Solution. 

The anticipated prices we shared reflect investments across all experiences, including a completely reimagined Counselor Experience.

At what grade level will the career readiness resources start?

We anticipate that students in grades 6-12 will be able to take advantage of our Career Readiness Solution.

When will the Career Readiness Solution be released?

In the first half of 2024.

What will the Career Readiness experience look like, and what will the exact features be?

Career Readiness in Scoir will include these high-level features:

  • Support for earlier rollout and engagement on the Scoir platform, enabling students to better consider career possibilities and understand available pathways
  • Configurable fields, tasks, and forms to aid with tracking of milestones, state, and other applicable requirements, as well as the collection of supporting evidence
  • Learning plan development and management (including goal setting, pathway selection, course planning, and more) with support for collaborative input from students, parents, and a new Advisor role

We’re shaping the experience now and as always, welcome your feedback. Please share anything you think will help as we begin imagining this solution.

How can I provide my feedback?

By filling out this feedback form.

How can I prepare our staff and students for this?

Sign up for the waitlist, and we’ll be in touch with more details as they become available, including training. 

How did we do?
