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Bulk add/update Senior Courses

Add/Update Senior Courses

This features requires the Data Management Role in Scoir.

Uploading documents can be done individually in the student profile, but the bulk upload feature provides the ability to more efficiently upload and match PDF documents to students in a centralized wizard. Document types eligible for bulk upload include, Grade Reports, Senior Courses and all Transcript types.

In this article, we’ll cover bulk importing Senior Courses. If you’d like to learn more about importing Grade Reports and Transcripts, you can click on the article below.

Getting Started with Senior Courses

All you need to start is a single PDF with many student transcripts or multiple PDFs that can then be combined and matched through the wizard. It is most efficient if you have single page documents, but will allow you to match multiple pages if required.

Uploading a Senior Courses document will upload an entirely new, separate Grade Report document. It will not overwrite anything.
Be sure you have Senior Courses available for upload in PDF format. It is most efficient if you have single page documents, but will allow you to match multiple pages if required. No special characters on the file name, are supported. (ie A+)
To assist in the matching process upon upload to Scoir, be sure the student's birthdate is listed in numerical format on your transcript (ex. 06/24/2006). Only one file can be uploaded at a time.

Uploading Senior Courses

  1. In the top right corner of your dashboard, select Data Management from the dropdown under your profile
  2. Expand the Student Data section and select to Upload New File under Student Documents


  1. In the document type dropdown, select Senior Courses and click Continue
  2. Choose a file or files to upload and select the class year of the students who are included in the file, and click Continue.

  1. On the Choose File page, you will be able to include more than one file. Once you’re ready, click Continue to upload the files.
  2. While the Senior Courses import is being processed, you can close the window and continue with other tasks. You will receive an email once the upload is completed and will have to continue through the matching process before any files are imported.

Matching Senior Courses

Scoir will automatically match as many Senior Courses as it can to the student records in Scoir.  Any unmatched Senior Courses will be displayed on the left panel.  Navigate through the resulting pages of the files and match them as needed to student records.

Several types of transcripts will get matched:

  1. Match = 100% match (will show in green)
  2. ID Match (will show in yellow) = these suggested matches located students based solely on their student ID. They should be reviewed by a counselor to ensure the suggestion is accurate.
  3. Demographic Match (will show in yellow) = these need reviewed and possibly reassigned by the counselor.  (Beware of twins who may get mis-matched due to a demographic (partial match) to the incorrect student
  4. Unmatched (will show in black) = need counselor's intervention.

Once your transcripts are uploaded, you will be able to view the on the student's Manage Documents tab. 

How did we do?

Bulk add/update Grade Report

Bulk add/update Student GPAs
