Table of Contents

For Counselors: Scheduling In-Person Visits & Availability

Visits in Scoir can be either in-person or virtual. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of scheduling an in-person visit in your calendar.

Our virtual visits guide can be found here: Virtual Visits

Please Note: Actions described in this guide require the Communications Manager role.

Scoir Visits is a counselor communication tool for scheduling college visits and informing students of college visit dates and events.

Configure visits notifications

If you’d like students to receive emails about college visits, ensure that the ‘Send students email center,, bulk messages, and college visit notifications by email’ option is marked Yes in the Communications section of Account Settings.


Visit Availability fields overview

The following table defines all available fields that are editable dependent upon the type of visit you are creating.


This indicates if the meeting is an In-person or Virtual meeting

Location/Meeting Link

The location where the visit will take place/meeting link (if virtual)

*Option to allow college reps to add a meeting link (you can set this as a default in calendar settings).

Event Date*

The date of the visit.

Begin Time*

The time the visit is scheduled to begin.

End Time*

The time the visit is scheduled to end.

Internal Description

The internal description of the visit visible only to counselors and students.


The college(s) scheduled to attend, or the number of slots available for colleges to schedule.

*Additional visitor types are supported by selecting “other” as the College Name and providing contact information.

College Rep Instructions*

The instructions for college reps.

Rep Registration Window Closes

The number of days up to which a college rep can schedule for an available visit opening.

Max No. of Students

The maximum number of students who can register for the visit.


The rate at which you would like this availability to repeat.

Class Years Permitted to Attend*

The class years permitted to register for the visit.

RSVP Deadline

The number of days prior to the visit a student must register to attend.

Fields denoted with an (*) are required.

Scheduling visits

Scoir offers four types of events that can be scheduled in your Calendar: open visit availability, single college visits, multi-college visits, and office hours.

Set visit availability

  1. Go to the Calendar page.
  2. On the Calendar page, click the + New button.
  3. Choose the Visit Type: Visit Availability, Single College Visit, Multi-College Visit, or Office Hours
  4. Provide all required fields and specify open or closed availability, then click Save and Publish.
  5. Once published, the visit will be visible on your calendar and made available to the students you have specified, or college reps will be able to schedule a visit with your high school in the time-slots provided.
  6. If you require a booking confirmation, once you approve the visit, the college will receive a notification that the visit has been approved.

Visit Availability allows for scheduling recurring openings

A Recurring Opening allows you to repeat availability. This means that visits can be scheduled in blocks of time as opposed to one by one, greatly reducing the amount of time it takes to schedule your availability.

  1. To create recurring openings, first check the Recurrence Checkbox. This will open up the options for recurring visits

  1. Choose the rate of recurrence e.g. every week, every 2 weeks (meaning every other week), the day of the week that the openings will be available, and the date at which you would like the recurrence to stop.

Managing visits

Existing events can be edited by selecting the event in your Calendar. This will open a window that presents information on when and where the visit is scheduled to take place, what reps are attending, how many students have registered, and the status of the event.

To message the attending rep or view their contact information, click their name. You will be presented with a window to compose a message. When you’re finished, click Send, or close the window.

To message all registered students, click the Message All button beneath the registered student list. You will be presented with a Bulk Message Students window and prompted to add a title and a message. 


When you’re finished, click Send. Your message will be delivered to all students who have registered for the visit.

To print permission slips or an attendance list, click Print Permission Slips or Print Attendance List.

You can delete an event by clicking the Delete button.

You can duplicate an event by clicking the Duplicate button.

You can edit the details of an event by clicking the Edit button. This will present you with a window with all available details for the visit or opening.*

If the event you are editing is repeating, you will be prompted to select whether to edit that specific event, or edit that event and all of its future clones.

Please be careful with editing already confirmed visits. This can result in another open availability being added to your day.

Students registered for this event will be notified of the event modification via email and a notification within Scoir.

You can print permission slips for all registered students by clicking the Print Permission Slips button for a printable PDF.

* Please note that changing some fields after an event has been published may cause errors due to date and time or registered attendees.

For more information on the notifications students receive about visits, visit this HelpDoc.

How-To Video

Scheduling Visits & Availability (including Virtual) from Scoir on Vimeo

calendar, view, week, month, events

How did we do?

For Counselors: Linking your Scoir calendar to an external calendar

For Counselors: Scheduling Virtual Visits
