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For Counselors: Running Standard Reports on Student Data

(A step-by-step video can be found at the bottom of this page)

Actions described in this guide require the Reporting Manager role.

Scoir’s counselor application offers a variety of reporting tools that enable you to report on various aspects of your high school’s student roster.

Click on one of Scoir's pre-configured reports to learn more about them:

Reporting Overview

To access Scoir’s reporting tools, go to the Reports tab in the global header. Here you will find a selection of pre-made Standard Reports allowing you to quickly gather student data for common queries but you can also create custom reports tailored specifically to your needs. Each Standard Report gives you the ability to filter your dataset, which is accessible by clicking the Filters button on the left-hand side of the browser window.

 Running a Standard Report

Each Standard Report gives you the ability to filter your dataset, which is accessible by clicking the Filters button on the left-hand side of the browser window. Most Standard Reports are set to display only the current class year by default.

  • Filtering options will differ depending on the Standard Report you are currently viewing.
  • To clear an individual filter, click the Clear button within that filter’s facet. You can clear all filters by clicking Clear All Filters at the bottom.
  • Once you’re finished setting your filtering options, be sure to click Apply.
  • You can refine the sort order of your data set by clicking the header of the column you’d like to sort by. Columns sort alphabetically or numerically depending on the type of data they contain.
  • Once you’re finished filtering your data and its sort order, you can save a copy for offline use by clicking Download CSV for an editable table, or Print PDF for a read-only list.
Please note: Dis-enrolled students will still appear on reports. To remove dis-enrolled students from reports, you will need to delete the student from your school.

Each Standard Report is explained in further detail below.

Admits & Enrollments

The Admits & Enrollments report presents an overview of the college admissions and enrollment statistics of your student roster, with the ability to adjust your view by college name, type, religious affiliation, state, country, application type, and acceptance likelihood rating.

Applications & Outcomes

The Applications & Outcomes report presents an overview of your students’ submitted applications and their outcomes, with the ability to adjust your view by student or college.

Running a Report on Applications & Outcomes

This report is set to display only the current class year by default.

You can filter this dataset by class years, an assigned counselor, groups, a specific college, application status, application type, application method, and multiple student and college labels.

  • To clear an individual filter, click the Clear button within that filter’s facet. You can clear all filters by clicking Clear All Filters at the bottom.
  • Once you’re finished setting your filtering options, be sure to click Apply.
  • You can refine the sort order of your data set by clicking the header of the column you’d like to sort by. Columns sort alphabetically or numerically depending on the type of data they contain.
  • Once you’re finished filtering your data and its sort order, you can save a copy for offline use by clicking Download CSV for an editable table, or Print PDF for a read-only list.
Custom binding application rounds from colleges will not be included in the report based on these filters, but can be included by selecting the other application type filter.

For more information on how to Set Student Outcomes and Plans, please view this help doc.

Class Profiles

The Class Profiles report presents an overview of your student roster including statistics on average GPA, college application figures, and standardized test score averages. For SAT and ACT scores, we are using the highest composite score for each student.

Scholarships and Awards

The Scholarships and Awards report presents an overview of the scholarships and awards presented to your students and can be grouped by either student or college.

Standardized Tests

The Standardized Tests report presents an overview of your students’ standardized test scores and can be viewed by test type, including ACT, AP, PreACT, PSAT, SAT, SAT 2400, and SAT Subject Tests. 

College Visits

The College Visits report presents an overview of past visit history and can be viewed at the student or college level. This will include the visit date, college, visiting rep, and students registered. This report will not show upcoming visits.

How did we do?

For Counselors: Creating Custom Reports
