For Students: Updating Your Academic Information

This article covers the following sections on your Academic Overview of your profile page:

Please note: If you do not see the blue pencil icons to Edit as outlined in the sections below, your school may have restricted your ability to change the information.This setting is school specific. If you do not see a pencil icon next to something you would like to edit, or that you feel is incorrect, please contact your counselor.

Updating your Academic Overview

The Academic Overview section contains your high school and test score information.

High School Information

  • If you want to update your high school graduation year, click the Edit button pencil icon next to your high school. 

  • If you have transferred to a new school and would like to keep your Scoir account, you will need to contact your former counselor and ask to be dis-enrolled. This step will not delete your account, it will just allow you to be connected to your new school. Your new school can then invite you by using your existing Scoir email address. Follow this guide to be linked to your new high school.


You can edit your GPA by clicking the blue pencil Edit button in the GPA tile. You will be presented with a window to edit your GPA. When you’re finished, click Save.

Test Scores

To add a test score, click the + Add Test button and select the test type you’d like to record. You’ll be prompted to provide the related scores based on your selection, then click Save.

To edit an existing score, click Show Details to expose your test score history, then click the test date from the table. You’ll be prompted to update or delete the recorded scores for that test.

Please note: If you do not see the blue pencil icons to Edit, or cannot click on your test score to edit, your school may have restricted your ability to change this information. This setting is school specific. If you do not see a pencil icon and would like to edit, please contact your counselor to make these changes.

student, profile, academics

How did we do?

For Students: FERPA Release and FERPA Waiver

For Students: Recording Your Activities and Achievements
