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For Counselors: PrinciplesYou Character Assessment Overview

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PrinciplesYou is designed for the modern workforce that students will be joining. Results give them a better understanding of how they’ll fit into that space, how jobs truly match their tendencies, and how they can work with different personalities in different fields. 

We encourage students to complete PrinciplesYou during their sophomore year, so they can apply these learnings to their college and career exploration in Scoir.

Students only need to take PrinciplesYou once because of the stability of the assessment. They will not be given the option to retake after completed.

What is PrinciplesYou

PrinciplesYou is a scientifically-validated character assessment that brings student assessments into the 21st century because its framework is designed to tap into character traits and measure them across 3 orientations: 

  • Cognitive
  • Interpersonal
  • Motivational

Students are presented with descriptions such as “I am usually the person who sets a motivating goal for the team” or “I am very organized” and rank how these apply to them on a 7 point scale ranging from Disagree Strongly to Agree Strongly. Counselors are not able to take the assessment in Scoir.

The entire assessment takes around 30-40 minutes to complete, and students do not have to complete it one sitting. They will see a progress bar at the top showing percentage of completion, and they will pick up where they left off if they leave before they are done. Students won't be able to go back and change their responses.

Once complete, students receive Archetype results giving them a better understanding of how they’ll fit into careers, how jobs truly match their tendencies, and how they can work with different personalities in different fields. They can go straight to their results or view career matches. 

Results automatically upload into the students’ My Drive for counselors to view and help better guide students through the college and career discovery process.

Enabling PrinciplesYou for students

Only those with an Account Administrator role can enable PrinciplesYou.

Click on More then select School Settings.

Accessing School Settings from More button

From Account Settings, scroll down to Student Permissions > Career Profiles. Toggle on Enable PrinciplesYou Access. Select whether to enable access For all classes, or for students beginning in the selected class year via the dropdown menu.

Career profiles section of account settings

Viewing students’ progress and results

You can view students’ progress by going to Students > Roster, and click the expand arrow to see your Filters on the left side. 

PrinciplesYou filter on student roster

Scroll down to the Careers Assessments dropdown filters, and select from the PrinciplesYou Character Assessment Status dropdown to see the students who have the status of Not Started, In Progress, and Completed. Once you’ve selected a status, click Apply to see the results. 

For those that have completed the assessment, results automatically upload into the students’ My Drive for you to view. 

If students wish to hide the PrinciplesYou results from parents, they can do so in My Drive.

How did we do?

For Counselors: Viewing Students’ Career Interests

For Counselors/Teachers: Changing your email address
