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For Students: How to Apply with Scoir

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Congratulations on taking your first step in the college application process 🎉 We’re cheering you on!

Coalition Colleges are committed to graduating students on time and with less than average amounts of debt. You can apply to many of these schools with Scoir.

Before starting your application, let’s get a lay of the land. Once you familiarize yourself with the application process, you’ll have everything you need to begin applying!

Before beginning any college application, choose a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed or distracted, and mute any notifications on your phone. This needs your FULL attention, so be ready to focus!

How Apply with Scoir Works

Applying with Scoir is a 2-part process completed in this order: 

  1. In Part 1, complete and submit Core Questions on Scoir (core questions are the same from one Coalition college to the next)
  2. In Part 2, complete and submit Supplemental Questions on the college’s portal (supplemental questions are unique to each college), accessed via SSO from Scoir after you complete and submit part 1 of your application

You don’t have to complete the application in one sitting. You can return to edit or complete sections before submitting your final version.

Pre-populated application information

If you use Scoir with your high school, the first time you apply with Scoir, basic information will pre-populate in Part 1 of your application from your profile to help save time. You can edit as needed.

  • Personal details (name, address, DOB, etc.)
  • Demographic info (ethnicity, citizenship, etc.)
  • School info (address, CEEB code, etc.)
  • Test scores, if applicable
  • Assigned counselor

Importing application information

In Part 1 of the application, you'll fill out 5 stages:

  1. Personal
  2. Family
  3. Education
  4. Essay & More
  5. Review & Submit

Each stage has multiple sections to complete. Some sections, like those in the Personal and Family stages, are synced so that so that once completed, any changes to one will update the applications where you've chosen Scoir as your application method.

Other stages, like Education and Essay & More are unique to specific colleges. You have the option to import these if you wish to reuse the same information in another application.

When you choose to import a section from another application, you'll replace the entire section. Any changes to that information will affect all other applications where you’ve chosen to import, including the original. 

Now, let’s take a closer look at the application process 👀

Starting an Application

There are few ways to begin applying with Scoir throughout the student experience.

From your dashboard, you can begin an application by clicking Apply with Scoir card. You can also click Apply with Scoir from the top navigation on any page.

From My Colleges, you’ll see the lightning bolt on colleges where you can apply with Scoir. You can either use the application button on the college card to go directly to the application, or click the college tile to see more details and select Open Application

From Discover > Colleges, you can filter Application Methods by Scoir and then choose Apply to begin your application. 

If you haven’t indicated first year deadline, you’ll be asked before you can move forward.

Part 1: Complete and submit core questions on Scoir

Here’s a rundown of the Core Questions you’ll complete on Scoir, accessed across 5 stages. This step must be completed before you can move on to the college’s Supplemental Questions, or Part 2 in this application experience!

Once you submit Part 1 of your application, you will not be able to edit any of the information, nor will you be able to start again with a new email to the same college.


Add personal, contact, demographic, and citizenship information, and see if you’re eligible for a fee waiver.

In the Personal stage, your name, birth date, phone number, email, address, gender, and citizenship information will pre-populate if you have it filled out on your profile!

For this section, you may be asked to provide the following

  • Your name, birth date, phone number, personal and school email, and address
  • Sex and optional preferences such as gender
  • United States Armed Forces Status
  • If you intend to apply for financial aid
  • Languages you speak
  • Citizen information / place of birth
  • Fee waiver eligibility


Provide family information and disaster impact.

For this section, you may be asked to provide the following:

  • Who regularly lives in your household
  • Add a parent/guardian address, email, phone number, education level, and as optional questions, job and place of work
  • Share whether you’ve been impacted by a disaster or emergency situation like natural disasters or COVID-19


Include high school and college information and coursework, tests, honors, distinctions, activities, and experiences.

In the Education stage, your high school, test scores, and GPA will pre-populate if you have it filled out in your profile!

For this section, you may be asked to provide the following:

  • Your high school
  • High school start date
  • When you plan on graduating high school, current grade, GPA, class rank and size, and how rank is reported on your transcript
  • If you’re participating in a Community Based Organization
  • If you’ve taken college courses or earned college credit, or if you have college coursework in progress
  • Choose whether to add your 9th-11th grade coursework
  • SAT/ACT test scores (if the school is Test Optional you can indicate whether you want to send these)
  • Additional test scores you’d like to share (if any)
  • English Proficiency Tests (if any)
  • Honors and distinctions
  • Activities and experiences outside of school

Essay & More

Submit your Coalition essay, add additional details that you’d like the college to know here, and provide your counselor’s information.

If required by the college, you’ll provide the following in this stage:

  • An essay (minimum of 250 words but 500-650 is typically a good target)
  • Additional information about yourself and your accomplishments you’d like to include
  • Your counselor’s name and email (if available to you), so the college has a point of contact

Review & Submit

Review Part 1 of your application and download a PDF to ensure everything looks good before submitting. You can also share with others to review! The more eyes, the better.

For this stage, you’ll do the following:

  • Sign a FERPA waiver (this is required)
  • Review Part 1 of your application for any missing information
  • Proofread your essay
  • Download a PDF to see what colleges will see (and share with others to review)
  • Learn details about what to expect in Part 2, where you’ll complete the college’s Supplemental Questions
At the end of this section, you’ll check a box acknowledging that you understand when you click Submit Part 1, you're confirming Part 1 of your application is true and accurate. This information will be sent to colleges exactly as it appears in the PDF and you understand when you click Submit Part 1, you’ll no longer be able to edit any Part 1 information.
Once you Submit Part 1, you will be unable to apply to the same college using a different email address.

Once you’ve finished Part 1: Core Questions you can move on to the second step of the 2 Part application process, the college’s Supplemental Questions.

Part 2: Complete the College’s Supplemental Questions

Once you submit Part 1 of your application with Scoir, you'll be taken directly to the college portal to complete your application.

In Scoir, the college where you applied will automatically move to the Applied column in My Colleges with a Pending decision status. 

If you ever need to return to the college’s portal, simply access it from My Colleges in Scoir.

Next Steps

Once you've completed both parts of your application, here's what to do next!

When your high school uses Scoir

If your high school uses Scoir, your next step is to head over to My Colleges > Application Documents and request your Letters of Recommendation via Application Documents.

By submitting Part 1 of the application, your counselor is automatically notified to send documents on your behalf!

When your high school does NOT use Scoir

Go to this article to complete your application and request letters of recommendation and application materials to be sent on your behalf by a school official!

That's it! Congratulations on beginning to apply to college with Scoir! 🎉

How did we do?

For Non Scoir High School/International/Transfer Students: How Many Recommendations Do I Need?
