Table of Contents

For Students: Creating an account when invited by your high school

This article explains how to create a Scoir account, whether you received an invitation via email or a URL from your high school.

If you already have a Scoir account and are trying to link to your high school, you can head to this guide that covers linking to a high school.

If you’ve been invited to Scoir via an invitation email

If you’ve been invited to join Scoir by your high school and you do not yet have a student account:

  1. Click the Register My Account! link in the invite email you've received to get started.
  1. Follow the prompt to create a password.

Once you're registered for an account, for future log-ins, you can either log into Scoir using this email and password, or you could log in using the Sign in with Google or Log in with Clever Single Sign-On options (if applicable.)

When registering your account, do not use the Sign in with Google or Log in with Clever single sign-on options. These are only available for use AFTER you have registered and confirmed your Scoir account, and if your high school allows for you to do so.

Common Questions

How do I create a password for a Scoir student account I created with my Google account?

The Sign in with Google button is NOT an option for students who sign up with Scoir by accepting an invite from their high school. You will need to use your email address and password directly for sign in to Scoir.

If you've signed up for a Scoir student account BEFORE receiving your Scoir invite to link with your high school with Google, you can sign in to Scoir via the Google button on the Scoir login page.

However, if you’d like to create a unique Scoir password instead, you can do so by clicking Forgot your Password? and provide the email address of the Google account you used to sign up. You'll be sent an email to set a new password.

Forgot Password

Please again note: the Sign in with Google button is NOT an option for students who sign up with Scoir by accepting an invite from their high school. You will need to use your email address and password directly for sign in to Scoir.

Can I sign in to Scoir using my Clever account?

You can sign in to Scoir via the Login with Clever button on the login page.

However, if you’d like to create a unique Scoir password instead, you can do so by clicking Forgot your Password? and provide the email address of the Google account you used to sign up. You'll be sent an email to set a new password.

Forgot Password
Keep in mind that you'll now be able to sign in to Scoir via the Clever button or by providing your email and password.

If you've been invited to Scoir via a URL from your high school

If you've been invited to join Scoir by your high school and you do not yet have a student account:

  1. Go to or copy and paste the URL that your school has provided into a new browser tab.
  2. Enter the name of your high school and select it from the dropdown menu, or select I don't see my school if you do not see your high school.
Make sure you are selecting the high school in your city and state.
  1. Enter the email address you use at your high school. This could be your school-issued email address or a personal email address of yours that is associated with your high school.
  1. If your email address is not found, you will be prompted to enter your Birthdate and Student ID Number or Registration Code (if you do not know this, please ask your counselor to provide this information).
  1. You'll then be linked to your High School and can go to your email inbox to complete the registration process.

Once you are registered for an account, for future log-ins, you can either log into Scoir using this email and password, or you could log in using the Log in with Clever Single Sign-On only.

Watch this short video guide on how to create your Scoir student account via a URL invite.
Please note: the Sign in with Google button is NOT an option for students who sign up with Scoir by accepting an invite from their high school. You will need to use your email address and password directly for sign in to Scoir.

How did we do?

For Students: Scoir student overview [video]

For Students: Creating an account on your own (non-Scoir high school student account)
