For District Admins: Network Roles and Permissions

What are user roles?

User roles are the way admissions officer permissions are granted in Scoir. Admissions officers can only perform specific actions granted by the user roles they have been assigned.

The various roles and their permissions are outlined in the table below.

User Role

Permissions Granted

Network Manager

  • View network dashboards
  • Add/remove users
  • Modify users’ permissions

Network User

  • View network dashboards

Network Communications Manager

  • Create, modify, and schedule messages
  • Send messages from their work email (if the organization's domain is verified)
  • Email students, parents, and counselors
  • Enter and email additional recipients

Who can assign user roles to my team ?

Only users assigned the Network Manager role have permission to change user roles. If you are the Network Manager your role must be updated by another member of your team with the Network Manager role at your college or by Scoir support.

How do I assign user roles to my team ?

  1. To begin assigning roles, click Users from the Welcome dropdown menu.

  1. Click Roles adjacent to the user who you would like to add roles for. From the Add User Roles panel, choose any and all roles you would like to add for this user, then click Done to save your changes.

How did we do?

For District Admins: Adding and Managing Users in Your Network Account
