Table of Contents

For Counselors: Calendar Overview

(Step-by-step instructional video can be found at the bottom of this page)

The Calendar feature of the Scoir Counselor application allows counselors to view their scheduled visits, openings, and drafts in a convenient overview that can be displayed by day, week, or month.

The Calendar can be accessed by navigating to the Calendar tab in the global header.

This article contains the following sections:

  1. Navigating the Calendar
  2. Managing Draft Openings
    1. Bulk Managing Draft Openings
    2. Managing Draft Details
  3. Managing Calendar Setting
    1. Set Calendar Blackout Days
    2. Require Booking Confirmation
    3. Allow Students to See Attendee Count
    4. URL to Your School's Visit Availability
    5. Allow College Reps to Enter a Meeting Link

Navigating the Calendar

Scoir’s Calendar can display in a week, month, or list view by clicking the respective buttons. You can always return to the current date by clicking Today.

Use the arrows to navigate to the next or previous date range based on your selected view (week, month, or list).


If you have the Communications Manager role, you can edit your calendar settings by clicking the Calendar Settings link above the Draft Openings tile.


You can filter the display of your calendar by toggling the Confirmed, Open, and Draft selectors. You can also link an external calendar to enable a two-way sync between your Scoir Calendar and an external one. For more information on linking to external calendars, check out our guide.

The Upcoming Visits tile displays a condensed list of upcoming visit dates.


Managing draft openings

Bulk managing draft openings

You can view a list of your draft openings by clicking View All in the draft openings tile.


You will be presented with a Draft Availability list and the ability to take bulk actions.


To bulk publish all drafts, click the Publish All button.

To bulk delete all drafts, click the Delete All button.

To publish or delete a selection of drafts, mark the checkboxes of the drafts you wish to edit, then click the respective function from the I would like to… dropdown menu.


Click Yes to confirm the action.


When you’re finished managing draft openings, click the Back to Calendar link to return to your calendar.

Managing draft details

To manage the details of an individual draft, click its listing in the calendar view. Here you can edit the draft's details by clicking the Edit button. Editable details are dependent upon the type of visit that was created (open availability or closed visit).


When you’re finished editing, click Save Draft, or if you’re ready to publish, click the dropdown arrow to Save and Publish.

You can also publish the draft by clicking its listing in the calendar view and clicking Publish, then clicking Yes to confirm.


Managing calendar settings

To adjust your calendar’s settings, click the Calendar Settings link.

Set calendar blackout days

Scoir allows you to conveniently block visit openings based on Holidays and School Schedule via the calendar blackout day tool. To begin, click the Edit button.


You will be presented with the Set Blackout Days window. Here you can easily select blackout dates from a list of National Holidays by toggling the checkbox adjacent to the holiday name. You can also mark dates manually by clicking the date in the Custom Dates list.

When you’re finished setting blackout dates, click Save.

Please note that setting blackout dates on days with existing events will remove any outstanding Drafts and Open Availability slots but will not affect Confirmed Visits.

Require booking confirmation

You can opt to require counselor confirmation when colleges book open availability slots by toggling the Require Booking Confirmation setting. This will add an additional Pending event type that you can toggle in the My Calendars filter menu.


Turning on this setting will also add a Visit Requests count in the Notification Center tile of your Dashboard.


With this setting enabled, visit openings will require a counselor with the Communications Manager role to approve or decline registration requests made by college reps. Requests that have not yet been approved or declined will be in a pending state.

Pending visits that have outstanding registration requests are unable to be edited until all registration requests have received a response.

Allow Students to See Attendee Count

You can opt to toggle on this option, so that students can see a count of students who plan to attend a visit.

URL to Your School's Visit Availability

Scoir makes it easy to share your high school’s visit availability with college reps.

To copy your calendar’s unique URL, click the Copy URL link.


You can paste this link to places such as your email signature or school website for college reps to easily access your high school’s visit availability and register for a visit.

This link will only work for anyone with a College Rep account in Scoir.   It will not work for counselors or other users.  Other users will be take to an error page. 

When scheduling a virtual visit you may wish to allow college reps to be able to enter their own links for the virtual visit. By turning this setting on, you will no longer be responsible to enter the link into each individual virtual visit, and the college will be able to add their link upon registration. Enabling this setting will affect all existing and future scheduled visits.

Please Note that as a counselor, you can always override an entered link or disable this option for each individual visit.

How-To Video

How did we do?

For Counselors: Linking your Scoir calendar to an external calendar
