Table of Contents

For Counselors: Track Application Materials

Once you use SCOIR to send application materials to colleges, these documents can easily be tracked and re-sent as needed.


Tracking Application Materials in Bulk

Navigate to the Applications | Track tab.


College tiles will be listed in alphabetical order.  An overview of each college will provide the number of students who have applied along with the number of documents.  Also display is how the documents were processed; manually processed (this means the documents were downloaded and emailed by the counselor) or Docs Sent and Doc Delivered (this means the college is on the SCOIR platform and documents were sent and downloaded directly through SCOIR).


To view documents sent to a college, click on the View Details button in the college tile. 


The tile will open up to show the students' name as well as the materials and dates which the documents were either sent directly, or downloaded for emailing.  


In addition to these features, sorting tools are also provided.



Tracking Application Materials Individually

Search for the student by name and navigate to the College & Applications tab.


Once there, locate the send documents tile to review. Open the tile and navigate to the bottom of the tile to view document status. Last Sent indicated the date the application materials were forwarded to the college. Last Delivered indicates the date the application materials were downloaded by the college. Documents can be sent and resent directly from the students' college tile.

Please note: Scoir support will not be able to assist with any missing application documents sent until after 14 business days with a screenshot of the student's college portal saying the documents are missing, or an email from the college directly saying the documents are missing forwarded to our team.

How-To Video

counselor, applications, track

How did we do?

For Counselors: Why aren't documents appearing in the list to be sent to colleges?

For Counselors: Troubleshooting "Missing" Documents
