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For Counselors: Labels Overview

Customer Support Updated by Customer Support

Labels replaced Groups on February 1, 2024, and the Groups page sunset. We automatically created Labels for all of your existing Groups so there's nothing you need to do.

As part of this replacement, you'll no longer see the Groups page and will now manage Labels from the Roster and Student Overview pages. Labels are only visible to counselors and can be used in the same places as Groups like report filters and surveys.

Labels allow you to categorize and group students based on specific designations. They’re easy to create, filter by, and view at a glance. Labels are not visible to students. Learn more by reading below or jumping to an overview video.

Adding Labels to Individual Students 

Add, create, and remove Labels for an individual student from the Preview in the roster or a student's profile.

Be mindful when creating, uploading, and assigning labels to students. Labels cannot be edited, removed, or deleted in bulk and are only able to be removed on student's profiles individually at this time.

From Preview in the Student Roster

  1. Go to Students > Roster
  2. Hover over a student’s name and click Preview
  3. In the preview drawer, click Add Labels
  1. Select from the dropdown of existing Labels or create a new one by typing in a name and pressing enter on your keyboard
  2. Click Save

From a student's profile

  1. Go to a students profile, and ensure you're in the Personal Details section
  2. Find the Labels section and click the pencil icon to add/edit labels
Adding labels from the personal details section of a student profile
  1. Select from the dropdown of existing Labels or create a new one by typing in a name and pressing enter on your keyboard

Once you have Labels added to a student, you'll see a pencil icon to add or remove these.

Adding Labels to Multiple Students

You can take bulk actions to add labels to multiple students.

  1. Go to the Student Roster
  2. Filter the group of students you want to apply a Label to and select all
  3. Click the Manage Labels icon at the top of the table
Adding multiple labels to students
  1. Choose from the existing Labels or create a new Label. If you are adding a new label, be sure to hit 'enter' on your keyboard after label creation to save the new label.
  2. Click Save

Viewing & Filtering Labels 

Once you've added Labels, you'll see these listed on the students profile and preview.

When you click on a specific Label from the student's preview or profile, you'll be taken to the roster with the Label pre-selected for you in Filters. That way, you can view a list of students that fall under the Label.

You can also filter by one or more Labels by going to the Student Roster, clicking Filters and choosing from the Labels dropdown. Filtering by multiple labels will reveal students with any of those labels. You can see students that have all of the selected labels by activating the Student must have all options toggle.

Once you've filtered by specific Labels, save these as roster views for quick access by clicking Views, then clicking Save as New View. From there, give the view a name and click Save.

Saving labels in a view

Importing Labels

Importing Labels requires the Data Management role in Scoir

For best results, export your 'Scoir' Student | Roster and add Labels for your students. This ensures the data in Scoir remains consistent with your import. If you would like to use another data source, you can download the import template: scoir.student.template.csv, or export a student file from your student information system. The required fields (Student ID, First Name, Last Name, Class Year, Email, and Birthdate ) will export automatically, and from there you can add your labels.

To successfully import labels, you will need to add a column for each unique label a student has.

We also recommend removing any fields from your file that you don’t want to update, keeping only the required fields and labels you intend to add.

Once your file is configured, follow these steps:

  1. Go to More > Data Management
  2. Expand the Student Data list and choose to Upload new file in the Student Roster. Drag and drop your file or upload from your computer
  1. Map the columns to the appropriate data point

Once imported, you'll be able to filter and view those Labels!

Editing & Deleting Labels

Labels cannot be edited or deleted in bulk from the roster.

If a Label requires an update, you will need to create a new one and remove the old one from students.

Labels can only be individually removed from a student's profile or preview. Once a Label has no assigned students, it will be deleted from the list of available options. If needed, you have the option to delete ALL Labels from a student by importing a student file with the special tag <<!clear!>> under the Labels header. Be cautious when using this option, as it will delete all Labels associated with those students.

Overview Video

How did we do?

For Counselors: Create and Assign Student Tasks

For Counselors: Importing Custom Properties
