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For Counselors: Midyear Reports and Transcripts

Configuring your Settings

Before configuring your midyear reports and transcripts, you will want to ensure that your settings reflect the correct information regarding these documents.

  1. Navigate to your More dropdown menu and select School Account & Settings.
  1. Make sure that Enable School Reports is toggled ON. If it is not, toggle it on.
  1. Make your selections for Midyear Reports and Transcripts. You may select for which application statuses you'd like to send Midyear Reports and Transcripts.

You may choose to send Midyear Reports for students with application outcomes that are either Pending, Deferred, or Waitlisted (only), or Pending, Deferred, Waitlisted, and Accepted. For Midyear Transcripts, you may choose to send them for students with application outcomes of Pending, Deferred, or Waitlisted (only) or Pending, Deferred, Waitlisted, or Accepted.

Note: This does not mean that the midyear reports and transcripts will automatically be sent to colleges with the application statuses that you indicate. Rather, it will signal to Scoir to pull in completed midyear reports and transcripts to be sent by you to these colleges.
Because the settings for Midyear Reports and Transcripts are based off of application outcomes, these colleges must be in the Applied column of your students' My Colleges list for you to send these documents. You as a counselor, or your student, are able to move these colleges to the Applied column.

Midyear Reports

Midyear reports need to be created in Scoir.

Creating a Midyear Report for an Individual Student

  1. Search for a student using the search bar on the top right.
    1. Expand their Colleges & Applications section, and click on Manage Documents.
    2. Scroll to Reports and navigate to Midyear Report. Click Create.
    If the report template hasn't been updated since the latest rollover, you must update it before generating a report. Please contact your Account Administrator if you do not have permission to update the template.
  1. Make any necessary changes to the student evaluation, based on the information you've indicated you'd like to include from the Secondary School Report. Click Save and Continue.
    1. Click on Preview to review your Midyear Report and ensure all details are accurate. If you find any outdated information, simply update your template. Your in-progress Midyear Report will reflect these changes and be saved as a draft, allowing you to continue from where you left off.
  2. Verify your information and click Save to complete & sign your Midyear Report.

Sending a Midyear Report for an Individual Student

  1. Under the student's Colleges & Applications section, click Send Documents.
    1. Scroll through and click Send to send the midyear report for any college for which a midyear report populates.

The midyear report will automatically populate in the Send field for any colleges that a) lists a midyear report as a Required or As Available document and that b) the student has applied to with an outcome of Pending, Deferred, Waitlisted, (or Accepted), as per your settings.

Sending Midyear Reports in Bulk

You can also navigate to your Dashboard and click on Complete Packets Ready to Send, where you can bulk send documents like the Midyear Report.

  1. Click on the number next to Complete Packets Ready to Send.
    1. Click Select All and Send Connected to send any and all uploaded documents, including the midyear reports, electronically. Alternatively, you can click Send next to each college to send for one college at a time.
  2. You may then click Download and mail or email any midyear reports for colleges that are not-yet-connected with Scoir.

Midyear Transcripts

Uploading Midyear Transcripts

The first step in sending Midyear Transcripts is to upload them. To upload transcripts in bulk, follow the steps outlined in this document, choosing Midyear Transcript as your Transcript type.

To individually upload a midyear transcript, you can navigate to an individual student's profile, head to their Manage Documents section, and select Upload next to Midyear Transcript.

Note: As with all other application-related documents, students will not be able to view these transcripts.

Sending Midyear Transcripts for an Individual Student

After this uploading process, your students' transcripts will be added to their documents to be sent to colleges.

  1. Under the student's Colleges & Applications tab, click Send Documents.
    1. Scroll through and click Send to send the midyear transcript to any applicable college.

The midyear transcript will populate for any college that a) lists the midyear transcript as a Required or As Available document and b) the student has applied to with an outcome of Pending, Deferred, or Waitlisted (or Accepted), as per your settings.

Sending Midyear Transcripts in Bulk

You can also navigate to your Dashboard and click on Complete Packets Ready to Send, where you can bulk send documents like the Midyear Transcript.

  1. Click on the number next to Complete Packets Ready to Send.
    1. Click Select All and Send Connected to send any and all uploaded documents, including the midyear transcripts, electronically. Alternatively, you can click Send next to each college to send for one college at a time.
  2. You may then click Download and mail or email any midyear transcripts for colleges that are not-yet-connected with Scoir.

Where do I see my student's transcripts?

To view student transcripts, they must first be uploaded into Scoir by using the Bulk Transcript upload tool in Data Management or by adding them individually for each student.

To see the transcript on your student's profile, navigate to the student's profile by searching for the student's name using the search bar.

On the student's profile, navigate to the Manage Documents tab under Colleges & Applications.

Within Manage Documents, you will see an overview of the student's Transcripts. You can then view a transcript by clicking on the type of transcript, upload any transcript file by clicking Upload, or remove an uploaded file. Students do not have access to this section of their profile.

How-To Video

Midyear Reports and Transcripts from Scoir on Vimeo

How did we do?

For Counselors: Secondary School Report (SSR) Overview

For Counselors: Final Reports and Transcripts
