School Logo and Template for Teacher Recommendations

(Step-by-step instructional video for template can be found at the bottom of this page)

Your Scoir account allows for you to brand your school settings and teacher recommendations.  Account Administrators can upload a high school logo to add branding to your school & account settings tab.  This logo can be used to create standard recommendation templates that teachers will use to ensure teacher recommendations are consistent.  

To brand your School Account & Settings page navigate to your School Settings.

Click on the top-right-hand corner of the High School Logo to add or edit the logo.

Select your logo file by choosing the file to upload.

Your logo should then show in your School Account & Settings Page.

To add this logo and create a Teacher Recommendation Template, navigate to the Documents & Templates Tab.

Click on the Letter of Recommendation.  And then Create Template.


Customize your letter of recommendation by adding a logo, text, or clearing data.  


There are three (3) sections across the top for a header.  Each of these sections can contain a logo, text or be left blank.

Ensure that you save any content that is added:


When finished, save and preview.  This will save your template.

How-To Video

Template for Teacher Recommendations from Scoir on Vimeo



How did we do?

Managing Your Recommendations Settings

Student Self-Reporting for GPA and Test Scores
