For Students: Recording Your Activities and Achievements

Customer Support Team Updated by Customer Support Team

Activities and achievements, such as sports teams, clubs, after school programs, awards, jobs, volunteer work, and other accolades, can be listed on your Scoir profile by scrolling to the Activities & Achievements section on the My Profile page.


To record an activity or achievement, click the + Add button in the Activities & Achievements tile.


You will be presented with a window to select the category of your entry, add a title, select grades participated, report hours per week and weeks per year, and add a brief description of the entry.

Please note: All of the information with a red asterisk * next to it needs to be provided in order to be saved and add your activity or achievement.

When you’re finished, click Save.

Entries will be automatically organized by type. You can edit your entries by clicking the blue pencil edit icon beside the entry.

Entering your activities & achievements makes it easy to export this from Scoir to use as your resume. You can see directions on exporting a resume from Scoir here. Your activities & achievements also will transfer over to your Scoir Application Profile when applying to colleges with Scoir!

student, profile, academics

How did we do?

For Students: Updating Your Academic Information

For Students: Create and Export a Resume
