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For CBOs: Managing Your Advisors

Customer Support Team Updated by Customer Support Team

Efficiently manage your team of advisors on Scoir. This article guides you through adding new advisors, inviting them to register, and making necessary edits or deletions.

Add a New Advisor

To add an advisor to you organization:

  1. Click the Welcome dropdown in the top right and select Users.
  2. Click +Add New User.
  3. Enter the advisor’s information and click Continue.

Invite Advisors

To resend invitations for advisors to register their accounts:

  1. Click the Welcome dropdown and select Users.
  2. Choose advisors to invite by selecting the checkbox next to their name, or select all advisors with the checkbox in the table header row.
  3. Click the I would like to… dropdown and select invite Advisors.
  4. Confirm your list of invites and click Invite.

Edit/Delete an Advisor

To edit an advisor’s information:

  1. Click the Welcome dropdown in the top right and select Users.
  2. Locate the advisor you want to edit and click on the Edit button in their respective row.
  3. Make your changes and click Continue.

To delete an advisor from your organization:

  1. Click the Delete button on the row of the advisor you want to remove.
  2. Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.

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For CBOs: Updating Your Personal Profile
