Bulk Add/Update Parents & Guardians

Bulk Add/Update Parent & Guardians

This features requires the Data Management Role in Scoir.

Please note: If the data that is uploaded is incorrect, you will need to manually delete the imported parents/guardians. Please be sure to use the template provided below with the correct fields and also reference the example provided in step #4.
  1. Download the attached CSV template file found here: SCOIR_Import_Parent_Template.csv or use number (2) below!
  2. Export parent data from your SIS (or whatever type of system you use to manage this information)
    1. Copy the relevant parent data into the appropriate corresponding columns.
    2. Required Info includes:
      1. Student ID
      2. Parent/Guardian First & Last Names
      3. Parent/Guardian Email
    3. Parents/guardians must use unique email addresses
    4. If a parent/guardian has more than one student, the same Parent ID must apply to connect both students to one parent/guardian.
  3. If more than one parent/guardian is associated with a student, be sure to create a row for each with unique email addresses and include the same hs_student_id (as shown below).
  4. Submit the data under Data Management, specifically Add / Update Parents:

  1. Match the appropriate fields as necessary and submit:

counselor, imports

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