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Uploading College Board test scores

Downloading Files from College Board

Scoir Supports the Following College Board Bulk Imports: SAT, AP, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, (SAT Subject for alumni)

College Board test score files must be exported and downloaded from College Board directly as a .CSV file can then be uploaded right to Scoir!

How to obtain your SAT/PSAT score file from College Board

In order to upload College Board test scores to Scoir, we require a 'raw' score file from College Board. These are the most recent instructions we have for obtaining that 'raw' score file but may differ from what you see on the College Board site.

College Board has updated the process for receiving SAT/PSAT scores. Scores must be downloaded from the Download tab as a .CSV file, as shown in screenshots below.

The College Board Raw Data File for digital SAT scores may not be immediately downloadable upon release. However, College Board continues to offer this file for importing scores into Scoir. If you can't find the Download tab, contact your school's College Board Administrator. Further details are available here.
  1. For downloading SAT/PSAT Scores, sign into College Board.
  2. Once logged into College Board, navigate to the dropdown menu at the top right and select Downloads. This is where you will find the score files that are .CSV files and are able to be uploaded to Scoir. If you do not see this option, you may not have the right access to be able to download this file and will need to contact your College Board's administrator for access.
Please note: test score files for upload to Scoir cannot be downloaded from the Reports in College Board. It must be downloaded as a raw score file from the Downloads tab.
  1. From there, select Raw Score files. If you do not see this option, you may not have the right access to be able to download this file and will need to contact your College Board's administrator for access
Be sure to download the correct .CSV file ! This can then be uploaded into the Data Management Section of Scoir.

How to obtain your AP score file from College Board

College Board has updated the process for receiving AP scores. Scores must be downloaded from the Student Datafile as a .CSV as shown below. If you are unable to find the Student Datafile, please speak to your school's College Board Administrator.
  1. For AP Scores, from your Reports home page on the AP Score Reports for Educators website, click the Student Datafile report name under your Roster and Student Reports.
  1. A dialog box will pop up, prompting you to download the file. Click Export Report. A new tab will open.
    • If your organization has a large number of students, the datafile may take some time to load. During this time the new tab will remain open as your file is being generated. Do not close this tab or request another export while this is loading.
    • If you do not see the dialog box, make sure pop-up blockers are disabled on your browser.
    • Note that some browsers such as Chrome and Firefox will automatically save to a folder you have designated previously. Check your browser settings to ensure the file will be saved to your preferred location.
    • If you are using Safari on a Mac, note that your file may open as text in the browser window. Enter Command + S or select File > Save As. This opens up the export dialog. Change the format from Web Archive to Page Source and click on Save.
  2. Based on your browser settings you may be prompted to select the location on your computer where you would like to save the file.
  3. You may choose to rename your file if you wish, but make sure the .csv extension remains.
  4. Below the file name box, click the Save As Type drop-down box and select All Files.
  5. Click Save.
Be sure to download the correct CSV file. This can then be uploaded into the Data Management Section of Scoir.

Uploading Raw Files to Scoir

  1. In Scoir, navigate to the Data Management tab via More dropdown menu at the top of your screen
Data Management button in Scoir account
  1. Scroll down until you see College Board and select Upload New File
Upload College Board files
  1. Choose the recent raw score file that was downloaded from the College Board website and drag that file over, or upload it from your drive.
    1. You will be asked to verify the file type (AP, PSAT 10, PSAT 8/9, PSAT NMSQT, or SAT in some cases where our auto detect is not sure.
    1. If the file type unrecognized or does not match your selection, you will be presented with the message, "Unable to upload the file. Please ensure you are uploading your College Board file and try again, or notify Scoir Support." In most cases, you will want to contact our support team and share the file with them so they can verify it is a correct format.
  2. Once the file has been uploaded it will show as available. Click Continue to process the fie.
  1. The file will process and you will be presented with 2 options, Resolve Errors and Process and Download.

Clicking Resolve Errors will allow access to correct errors and then proceed with the import.

Clicking Process and Download will process all of the existing matches and download an error file for any students who did not match. You can then import this file at a later date, or not at all.

Resolving Errors

  1. Choose proceed under Resolve Errors in order to be taken to the Resolve Errors page
  2. On this page you will have the option to enter a student's name if the record has not been found, update scores if they are incorrect, or exclude a test score. Scoir uses the student's Name and Date of Birth as matching tools for these test score imports. We do not use student ID. Please simply type the student's name in this field.

  1. Once errors have been resolved, scroll to the bottom of the page and choose Proceed to continue to process the test scores. If you wish to proceed to upload all the clean data without addressing the errors, you can do that as well. Then you will have an error file which has the students who were not matched. You can reprocess this file at a later date.

Process & Download

  1. Once scores have been processed, or errors have been resolved, choose Process and Download to assign the scores.
  1. You will be notified of the total scores added along with total errors and prompted to download a report of any errors that have not been resolved.
  2. Once reports have been uploaded you will also be able to view a report of data import history which gives an overview of all of the details of previous imports for quick reference!

If you'd like to learn how to upload ACT scores, check out the article Add/Update ACT Scores.

counselor, imports

How did we do?

Test Score Imports: ACT and PreACT Scores via Rapid Manual Entry

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