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For Parents/Guardians: Financial information & estimates

Calculating the cost of college can be confusing. Scoir provides multiple levels of financial estimates for colleges based on the information you provide. Rest assured that your information is secure and only visible to you.

You can also go to the Federal Student Aid Estimator which calculates estimates based on the Student Aid Index (SAI), an index to determine federal student aid eligibility.

To begin exploring financial estimates in Scoir, click on the SP button in the top right of your navigation.

There are three levels of financial estimates provided by Scoir.

  1. Sticker Price (SP)
    Sticker Price is the default estimate and shows cost of attendance before aid: tuition, room and board, plus fees.
  2. Average Net Price (ANP)
    Average net price is the average reported price for all enrolled students.
  3. Income-based Net Price (INP)
    The income-based net price is calculated based on your household income range. To select a household income range, click the Household Income link beneath the Income-based Net Price section, then select the range that applies to your household. When you’re finished, click Save.
    College tiles will be updated to reflect Household Income Range price estimates with a strikethrough over the default Sticker Price.

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For Parents/Guardians: Comparing colleges

For Parents/Guardians: Discover College Events
