Table of Contents

For Counselors: Digitally signing Early Decision contracts

What Is Early Decision (ED)?

Early decision (ED) is a binding agreement, where students indicate that upon acceptance they will attend that particular college. Students may only apply to one school using this process. Because it is a binding agreement, the institution requires signatures from the student, the student's parent/guardian, and a school counselor.

When a student initiates the ED contract, next person to sign has to be a parent/guardian. Counselor is the last one to sign and finalize the contract.

When a counselor initiates the ED contract, the counselor signs first, then the student, and then the parent/guardian.

How Do I initiate an ED Contract?

ED Contracts can be initiated from the My Colleges list.

  1. A college must first be added as an early decision application, but moving or adding the college to the Applying List and selecting Early Decision as the application type.
  1. From the Manage Documents and Applications menu, the ED Agreement will now be available to sign.

How Do I Complete an ED Contract When Requested?

When students indicates they are applying ED to a school, the dashboard will show that a new Early Decision contract signature is required.

  1. By Clicking on the number of needed Early Decision Contracts in the Dashboard.
  2. Click student's name for whom you would like to complete the contract (you will be taken to that student's Manage Documents Page).
  3. Scroll down to the Early Decision contract and click Sign Agreement to complete.
  4. A timestamp will indicate the time the Signature was added.


You, as a counselor, will receive a notification when a student requires an ED Contract. You will also receive a notification when the student and their parent/guardian sign the student's ED Contract.

Students will receive a notification within their Notification Center, alerting them that their ED Contract is complete.

Can I Decline An ED Contract Signature Request?

Yes, you may choose Decline instead of Sign Agreement to Decline an ED request. You will be prompted to give a reason for declining.

I Declined an ED Contract Request By Mistake, What Do I Do?

Don't worry, simply mark the application as No Longer Applying and start the process from the beginning.

Can I Upload a PDF Instead of Completing the Contract Digitally?

Yes, you may. A PDF version of the ED contract can be found here: EARLY DECISION AGREEMENT.pdf

When your students note within Scoir that they are applying Early Decision, they will be prompted to complete an ED Contract to receive necessary signatures. You can also upload this document into Scoir as an Other Document to send off with all additional requirements.


profile, documents, overview

Can I Reset an ED Contract?

Yes, you can. To reset the Early Decision contract, go to the student's My Colleges page, and click on the tile for the Early Decision college.

When the application information expands, go to the Application Status section, and either click "Did Not Apply" or "No Longer Applying." You'll also want to make sure the outcome is 'pending'. This will temporarily move the Early Decision tile into the student's 'Following' column. Then, move it back into "Applying" or "Applied" and select "Early Decision" as the application round. The student can also reset the ED Contract this way as well.

This will "reset" the Early Decision contract, allowing all parties another opportunity to sign.

profile, documents, overview

How did we do?

For Counselors: Application fee waivers

For Counselors: Completing second Early Decision contract for the same student
