For Counselors: Scheduling Virtual Visits

(Step-by-step instructional video can be found at the bottom of this page)

Visits In Scoir can be either in-person or virtual. In this guide we will walk you through the process of scheduling a virtual rep visit in your calendar.
  1. First, navigate to the Calendar section of your Scoir account and create a new visit by clicking on the +New button or clicking directly into the calendar date and time you wish to use.

  1. Next, you must select which kind of visit this will be and whether the visit will be in-person or virtual.

  1. You may notice that the virtual visit has a designated space for the visit URL; however, the URL is not required to complete the creation of the visit.
    1. If you have turned Allow College Reps to Enter a Meeting Link on in your calendar settings you will see a checkbox which (when checked) will allow the college rep to add their own link.
    1. If you are planning to add the URL yourself, the URL may be filled at a later time i.e. when the college representative has provided a link for you or once the visit link is available to you.

  1. Complete the rest of the details of the visit as you would for an in-person college visit.
    You can limit the Class Years Permitted to Attend in the visit details.
    1. Once the link has been added, the visit is ready to be used.
    2. You may notice that the link will automatically generate the icon associated with the meeting service, i.e. Zoom or Google Hangouts.
    3. You can limit the Class Years Permitted to Attend in the visit details.

  1. Visits may be viewed and accessed via the Calendar tab. By clicking on View All within Upcoming Visits, all upcoming visits can be viewed and virtual visits can be launched.

  1. Students will see upcoming visits in their Dashboard. In order to launch the visit, students simply click the link to join the meeting.

For more information on the notifications students receive about a college visit, visit this HelpDoc.

How-To Video

Scheduling Visits & Availability (including Virtual) from Scoir on Vimeo

calendar, view, week, month, events

How did we do?

For Counselors: Scheduling In-Person Visits & Availability

For Counselors: Scheduling Visits for non-college organizations
