Can counselors control who sees Balanced List scores?

Cristina Hernandez Updated by Cristina Hernandez

Yes! Balanced List scores are always visible to counselors, but schools can decide when and if these scores are shown to students and parents. By default, list scores will not be shown to students and parents.

Only users with the Account Administrator role can adjust this setting.

To manage the display of Balanced List scores for students and parents:

  1. Navigate to More > School Settings
  2. In Account Settings, scroll to the Balanced List Visibility setting
Settings to display balanced List Scores to students and their parents
  1. Choose whether to display Balanced List Scores to students and parents
  2. If Yes, set the month and class year when scores will be shown (default is August of Freshman year)
  3. Click Apply Changes

These settings ensure Balanced List scores are shown according to your school’s preferences.

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