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For Students: View & simulate your Predictive Chances for college admissions

Cristina Hernandez Updated by Cristina Hernandez

While Scattergrams provide valuable insights, they're limited to your high school's data.  With Predictive Chances, go beyond traditional metrics like GPA and test scores. Using outcomes from thousands of students with similar profiles, see round-level and individual predictions for each college to help you make informed decisions about where to apply and when.

☝️ Remember, these estimates help understand your chances but don’t guarantee acceptance.

Can't find Predictive Chances? It might be because your account is not linked to a high school in Scoir, or your high school may not share this data. Double-check your account link and reach out to your school to see if this data is available.

Access Predictive Chances

You’ll spot Predictive Chances alongside Scattergrams throughout Scoir whenever you see this . Let’s walk through how to view Predictive Chances on your college list:

  1. In the main navigation bar, click My Colleges
  2. If you’ve added colleges to your list, Click on any college tile to open the College Detail Panel. If you're in the table view of My Colleges, hover over the college name and click Preview to access the panel
  3. In the Admission Intelligence section of the College Detail Panel, find the Predictive Chances table

The Predictive Chances table helps you see how likely you are to be accepted into a college based on different application rounds. Each row shows a different application round, its deadline, and your estimated chance of getting in. The chance of admission is highlighted in purple, so it's easy to spot.

Your profile needs to include your GPA and standardized test scores to see predictive chances on Scoir. If these details are missing, click Go to Profile in the banner to add them.

Heads-up! Predictive Chances won’t show up for colleges with Open Admission. Also, if it's the college's first time offering a specific admission round or if Scoir doesn't have enough historical data, you might not see predictions for those colleges.

Haven’t added any schools to your college list? Learn how here

Simulate your academic profile

Simulated GPA and test scores will not be saved to your profile.
  1. In the main navigation bar, click My Colleges
  2. Click a college tile to open the College Detail Panel. If you're in the table view of My Colleges, hover over the college name and click Preview to access the panel
  3. In the Admission Intelligence section of the College Detail Panel, find Simulate Profile below the Predictive Chances table. Click Open to access the simulation controls
student simulate profile for predictive chances

  1. The controls will start with your GPA and test scores if they're available
Predictive Chances - student profile simulation controls

  1. Enable controls and adjust values to see updates in the predictive chances table
Turning off SAT and ACT does not simulate a Test-Optional policy
  1. Click Reset to profile to revert to the your actual GPA or test scores

Frequently asked questions

How does Scoir derive Predictive Chances?
Scoir has created machine-learning models for a large percentage of colleges based on de-identified historical application records created on Scoir or imported into Scoir as part of the high school onboarding process.

These de-identified records contain a variety of details about each applicant, their school, the round they apply to and the outcomes. When returning Predictive Chances for a student, the model considers details about that student, comparing outcomes for similar students within similar high schools and presents personalized Predictive Chances for each application round currently offered by that college.
Are the Predictive Chances unique to my school?
Yes, Scoir’s models prioritize predictions based on your school's historical outcomes, while also considering your school’s type (e.g., public or private) and location to identify similar schools and refine the results.
Do Predictive Chances consider just the GPA and standardized test scores?
No, Scoir’s models use a broad approach that goes beyond academic factors like GPA and test scores. The models also take into account characteristics such as first-generation status, geographic location, race/ethnicity, sex, and high school profile, ensuring a more comprehensive prediction.
Do Predictive Chances consider the student’s location?
Yes, Scoir considers the student’s and college’s location, including in-state and out-of-state admission trends. These trends are not specifically programmed into the model but are a result of analyzing historical outcomes that include the applicant’s state. This approach allows the model to naturally reflect location-based patterns in admissions without relying on preset rules.
Do Predictive Chances consider individual factors like course selection, rigor or extracurricular activities?
Not yet.
What’s the difference between Predictive Chances and Scattergram?
While they’re both outputs of historical outcomes data, Predictive Chances leverages millions of records to offer predicted chances of acceptance based on the outcomes of students with similar profiles. Scattergrams plot only the individual high school’s application outcomes.

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