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For Colleges: Premium Presence overview

Presence is included when you upgrade to Premium Presence. Learn more

Premium Presence, an advanced feature offered by Scoir, allows you to take greater control over how your institution engages and connects with interested students. It enables you to create and manage campaigns that cater to both student interests and your institution's objectives. Additionally, it provides performance metrics, offering valuable insights into the impact of your content.

In this article, we'll provide an overview of your performance metrics and the content creation and management process.

To discover all the features available in Premium Presence, just head to Engage > Presence.


Here you'll find real-time performance metrics offering detailed insights into your content's effectiveness, including engagement, reach, and more. This allows you to make informed decisions and optimize your content for maximum impact.

Our metrics are divided into two categories:

  • Reach
    • Impressions
    • Users Reached
    • Followers (applies to student only)
  • Engagement
    • Total Engagement or Engagement Rate
    • Profile Visits or Profile Visit Rate
    • Referral Traffic or Referral Traffic rate
For descriptions of each metric, click here
Impressions: The number of times your school was on screen (e.g. search, profile views, posts, events, and programs

Users Reached: The number of unique accounts that have seen your school

The number of unique student accounts that have added your school to their "My Colleges" list in the Following, Applying, or Applied states

Total Engagement:
The number of interactions with your school (e.g. view profile, view content, link click, and compare.

Engagement Rate: The rate of accounts reached that engage with your school

Profile Visits:
The number of times your profile was visited

Profile Visit Rate: The rate of accounts reached that view your profile

Referral Traffic:
The number of clicks on any of the links in your profile or content.

Referral Traffic Rate: The rate of engaged accounts that were referred to your website through Scoir

Understand your Insights

For all metrics showcased, we provide:

  • The total count for the selected date range.
  • The percentage change from the previous corresponding date range.
    • For Followers, rather than presenting a percentage change, we offer the Follow Rate, indicating the proportion of student accounts that added your college to their lists relative to the students you reached.
Hover over the info icon next to each metric to view a description

Filter your Insights

To adjust the presented data, you can:

  • Select the Audience dropdown to filter data by Students (default), Parents, or Students & Parents.
  • Use the Date Range dropdown to show data from Last Academic Year (default), Last 30 Days, or Last 90 Days.
  • For Engagement metrics, use the Conversion Rate Toggle to switch between viewing data as a raw count or as a rate.


In this section, we will display all of you content within a table view for efficient management, review and comparison. 

Here you will be able to:

  • Create Posts, Events, and Programs to be displayed on your profile immediately or hidden to be published at a later date
  • Use filters to see specific content based on type (Post, Event, Program), topic, or whether its status is live or hidden
  • Publish, hide, and delete content items individually or in bulk directly from the table
  • Rearrange the order in which your live content is displayed on your profile
For a step-by-step guide on creating and managing your content, click here.

How can we target our content to students?

One of the most powerful aspects of content management is the ability for you to create content that is targeted to students based on their interests and academic focus. As students complete their profile information within Scoir, this information coincides with interest tags and academic focus tags that can also be linked with any piece of custom content that you create.

E.g. if a student indicates they are interested in pursuing Mathematics, a content item with a Mathematics tag will be prioritized when they view the school's profile.

How is my content prioritized?

Content will be prioritized based on a student's indicated interests. If no interests match, the content will display in the order it is published. Content items can also be dragged and dropped into a custom order if preferred by clicking Manage Order. Content without an audience are stationary and will display in the order chosen.

Be sure you have toggled Publish all content content ON to enable your dynamic content. As a college admissions team member, you will always see the content regardless of the toggle.


Highlights are short sentences that you can include in your profile to describe unique characteristics and value propositions. To do so, click Edit Highlights, enter your text, and rearrange the display order if necessary. Your highlights will be shown just as they will appear in your profile.

Using Premium Presence [Video]

How did we do?

For Colleges: Guide to creating and managing Posts, Events, and Programs
