Test Score Imports: ACT and PreACT scores via rapid manual entry

If you want to record your students' ACT scores but don't have a score data file, Scoir has a rapid-entry screen to make this easier for you!

PreACT scores can only be added via our rapid manual entry.
  1. Navigate to the ACT section of the Data Management feature.

  1. Click the Edit scores icon next to either ACT Scores or PreACT scores.
  2. First, select the Test Date by selecting the month and year from the drop downs.
  1. Start typing the name of the student whose score is being recorded. As you type, Scoir will pre-fill with students who are already in your Scoir roster. Select the student from the drop down choices.

  1. Begin entering the ACT/PreACT scores from your ACT/PreACT score sheet into the corresponding subjects to match your score sheet.
  1. Not in this order? To rearrange the order of the subject box(es), grab, drag and drop the subject box to reorder as needed.
  2. Click Save to save the record when finished and the scores will automatically be added to Scoir for that student.
  1. The scores will populate below and will automatically be added to the student's Scoir profile. You can then enter another student's name in the Student Name section and repeat the process to enter another student's scores for that test date.


NOTE:  If Writing Scores are entered, ELA must also be entered.  Or, you may leave them both blank.  They come as a 'pair' so either they must both be completed or neither of them completed.


If a record is incorrectly entered, simply hit the delete button to remove.  You will need to re-enter that student's scores with the correct information.  


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Test Score Imports: ACT score imports

Uploading College Board test scores
