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For Counselors: Searching and Filtering Colleges

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In Scoir, there are several ways to search and filter colleges, whether for general research or on behalf of a specific student. In this article, we'll cover completing a college search, customizing it, and saving your results. We'll also explore additional features available to you.

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Search for a specific college

To get started, go to Colleges > List. Here, you'll find a customizable table view of all Scoir colleges, making it easy to access key information.

If you have a specific college in mind, type its name in the search bar above the table. Their information will then populate the table. To learn more about the college, click on the college name to visit its profile.

How can I search for a college on behalf of a specific student?
1. Navigate to the individual student's profile, and select Colleges & Applications on the left-side menu
2. Choose My Colleges
3. Under the Suggested column, click View Search

From here, you can search for colleges on behalf of that student and easily recommend them for that particular student.
Customizing your colleges page

In this section, learn how tailor your college table's appearance and content by applying filters, adjusting columns, and sorting. You can also save preferences with Views for quick access and easily export customized information.


Refine your college list using filters such as Class Year, Our Schools, Academic Focus, Campus Setting, Location, and more.

For a description of each filter, click here!

Class Years - gives you the option to select which years to include in school-specific statistics.

Our Colleges
- refines results based on actions your students have taken, such as following, applying, applied, accepted, and enrolled.

Labels - returns colleges assigned with specific labels. Selecting multiple labels displays colleges with any of those labels. Activate the "School must have all options" toggle to view colleges with all selected labels.

Academic Focus
- ​this lets you search for general academic focuses or specific majors.

Campus Setting
- ​use this filter to select various campus setting designations.

- use this to select domestic/international preferences, as well as regions of the United States. You can also add individual US states by clicking within the State field and typing the name of a state.

- allows you to filter based on college level (4-year, 2-year or Career & Trade) and the type of degree offered

College Admissions
- this filter lets you select from different levels of selectivity (which is calculated by dividing the number of admitted students by the number of applicants). You can also select Test Optional colleges, or adjust the ranges for average SAT and ACT scores.

Accepting Applications - returns colleges that are currently accepting applications.

Application Method
- allows you to select the application methods offered.

College Type
- refines results based on various school types including Funding Source, Religious Affiliation, and Special-Mission.

- lets you search by athletics and divisions.

Undergraduate Student Size
- lets you filter colleges by the size of it's undergraduate population.

Personal Interests & Activities
- lets you select multiple interests and activities that correlate with colleges across Scoir’s college database.

ROTC Programs
- this filter allows you to select ROTC program availability.

Our High School Applications
- filters colleges based on various ranges relevant to your high school's applications, including enrollment yield, acceptance rate, and average accepted unweighted GPA.


Columns management window in Colleges page

Easily choose to add and remove columns from the table. You can also drag and drop categories in the Column Order section, so they appear in the order you want on the roster.

Pinning columns
column pinning on college table

Pin columns to keep them visible and locked, ensuring key information remains in view while you scroll horizontally

  1. Click the three vertical dots next to the column header you want to pin
  2. Choose either Pin left or Pin right
    1. Pin left: Moves the column to the far left and locks it in place. Additional columns pinned to the left will appear next to the first pinned column
    2. Pin right: Moves the column to the far right and locks it in place. Additional columns pinned to the right will appear next to the first pinned column

To unpin a column, click the three vertical dots and select Unpin. The column will return to its original position.

☝️To keep the columns pinned, save it as a new View or save changes to your current View.


Views on Colleges page

Once you have your filters and columns set the way you like, you can save your View, add to an existing View, or set the View as your default.

When working with Views, keep in mind that:

  • You can set a View as default during creation or at a later time by using the gear icon to the right of it
  • Your preferences, including filters, active columns, order, column size, and sort settings, are stored within a View
  • Changes to an existing View can be saved and will apply to all users at your school
  • Views can be deleted by using the gear icon to the right of it


Exporting colleges data

You can choose to export either your current view or all columns in the roster. You can also select a group of colleges and export only their data.

What else can I do from the college table?

From the college data table, you can preview colleges, suggest options, and access the student's search experience. Let's review each option.

Preview colleges

Accessing preview drawer from Colleges

Easily preview colleges from the table by hovering over a college's name and selecting Preview.

From there, you can add Labels, see application deadlines, see information specific to your high school like admitted student stats and application history (if applicable), view college statistics, add notes, and take actions from the (...) action menu in the top right.

Take Actions

Taking other actions on colleges page

When selecting individual colleges, or multiple colleges, you can take specific actions like suggesting colleges or managing Labels.

Preview the student college search experience

Discover page

To view the college search process from a student's perspective, click on Discover in the left navigation Here, you can explore colleges, as well as related content such as posts and events.

How did we do?

For Counselors: Managing and Using Scattergrams

For Counselors: Discover Programs
