Table of Contents
For Colleges: Scoir Index File
Updated by Customer Support Team
To download an example of the Scoir Index File, click here.
The Scoir Index File is leveraged to import metadata and form fields associated with several document types sent via Scoir. If you're using Slate, your ScoirMaterials Source Format in Slate uses the Scoir Index File to match incoming application-related materials ("Student Records") with the appropriate student's application file. If you want to take advantage of the additional data fields in the index file, you can select which fields to leverage.
Scoir's transmission of Student Records, including all personally identifiable information contained therein, is related to a student's application for enrollment pursuant to 34 CFR §99.31(a)(2). Colleges are required to comply fully with the provisions of 34 CFR §99 in storing and safeguarding all Student Records received via Scoir.
The Below Table Highlights the Fields
The Fields can be used to better process more accurate, detailed information about student applicants and their documents. In this guide, we have provided all current fields available in the file, as well as upcoming enhancements that you can map now.
How To Use This Table
This table should be used as a reference guide for custom mapping the file to your CRM. The table is broken into three categories: Field Name, Field Type/Format, and Description.
Field Name: The name of the field that can be mapped.
Field Type/Format: The format of the data that will be received.
Description: A description of the field which may provide insight on how it can be used.
Record Matching & Metadata
The first group of fields are provided to facilitate matching and meta data about each material included in the batch.
Field Name | Field Type/Format | Description |
scoir_id | TEXT | Unique student identifier |
coalitionId | TEXT | Unique Application identifier for those who have applied via Scoir |
CommonAppId | NUM | User supplied common app id. Note: no validation is performed |
FirstName | TEXT | Applicant first name |
MiddleName | TEXT | Applicant middle name |
LastName | TEXT | Applicant last name |
BirthDate | YYYY-MM-DD | Applicant birthdate |
ClassYear | NUM | Applicant class year |
Address | TEXT | Applicant address |
Address2 | TEXT | Applicant address |
City | TEXT | Applicant city |
State | SELECT_ONE | Applicant state |
Province | TEXT | Applicant province |
ZipCode | NUM | Applicant zip code |
country | TEXT | Applicant country |
DocumentType | TEXT | The Scoir document type. The available values must be mapped to your internal material types. Failure to do so will result in files being routed to batch acquire. |
FileType | TEXT | The value is "application/pdf" |
StudentEmail | TEXT | |
StudentPersonalEmail | TEXT | |
SentDate | YYYY-MM-DD | The date the sending party initiated the send on Scoir. |
File | TEXT | The filename of the document associated within each row. |
ferpa_waiver | TEXT | The state of this applicant's Ferpa Waiver status. [Granted, Withheld, Unsigned] |
application_round | TEXT | The chosen application round that this applicant has reported on Scoir. |
HighSchoolName | TEXT | |
CEEBCode | NUM | High school CEEB code; 6-digits |
hs_type | TEXT | [Public, Private, Unknown] High school type |
hs_international | TEXT | [Yes, No] |
hs_street | TEXT | High school address |
hs_city | TEXT | High school city |
hs_state | TEXT | High school state |
hs_province | TEXT | High school province |
hs_postalcode | NUM | High school zip code |
hs_country | TEXT | High school country |
hs_latitude | NUM | High school’s latitude coordinates |
hs_longitude | NUM | High school’s longitude coordinates |
hs_website | TEXT | High school’s website |
hs_counselor_name_first | TEXT | These are assigned counselors for students linked to a high school on Scoir. For student users not linked to a high school on Scoir, this is a counselor added in the High School section of their Application Profile. If no counselor information is available for a student, these fields are left blank. |
hs_counselor_name_middle | TEXT | |
hs_counselor_name_last | TEXT | |
hs_counselor_title | TEXT | |
hs_counselor_workphone | TEXT | |
hs_counselor_workextension | TEXT | |
hs_counselor_cellphone | TEXT | |
hs_counselor_email | TEXT |
Secondary School Report (SSR) Data
This group of fields is leveraged for the passing of SSR data and will be populated only when the associated DocumentType is SecondarySchoolReport.
Field Name | Field Type / Format | Description |
pct_attend_4year_college | NUM | Percentage of students who attend a 4-year college |
pct_attend_2year_college | NUM | Percentage of students who attend a 2-year college |
pct_first_generation | NUM | Percentage of first generation students |
pct_white_caucasian | NUM | Percentage of White/Caucasian students |
pct_black_africanamerican | NUM | Percentage of Black/African American students |
pct_hispanic_latino | NUM | Percentage of Hispanic/Latino students |
pct_asian | NUM | Percentage of Asian students |
pct_americanIndian_alaskanative | NUM | Percentage of Native American students |
pct_other_undisclosed | NUM | Percentage of other or undisclosed student ethnicity |
pct_uscitizen | NUM | Percentage of US citizens |
pct_non_uscitizen | NUM | Percentage of non-US citizens |
pct_free_or_reducedlunch | NUM | Percentage of students who are free or reduced lunch eligible (or are receiving tuition assistance) |
courses_offered | TEXT | [AP, IB, Honors] In the school report, offering IB courses is located under IB Courses, offering Advanced Placement courses is located under AP Courses, and offering Honors courses is located under Honors Courses. |
course_comments | TEXT | [Yes, No] This is a toggle that allows for additional comments surrounding courses offered. |
course_comments_response | TEXT | This field captures additional comments surrounding courses offered. |
ap_course_offering_number | NUM | The number of Advanced Placement courses offered by the high school. |
ap_course_limit | NUM | The maximum number of Advanced Placement courses a student can take per year. |
ib_course_offering_number | NUM | The number of International Baccalaureate courses offered by the high school. |
ib_course_limit | NUM | The maximum number of International Baccalaureate courses a student can take per year. |
honors_course_offering_number | NUM | The number of Honors courses offered by the high school. |
honors_course_limit | NUM | The maximum number of Honors courses a student can take per year. |
ap_capstone_offered | SELECT_ONE | [Yes, No, Not Indicated] Indicates if the high school offers an Advanced Placement Capstone Program. |
block_scheduling | TEXT | [Yes, No, Not Indicated] Indicates if the high school uses block scheduling. |
senior_graduation_date | YYYY-MM-DD | The expected senior class graduation date. |
senior_class_size | NUM | Senior class size: This numeric value can be used to determine where a student falls in class rank as indicated in the school report. |
class_rank_reporting | TEXT | [Yes, No] Indicates if the high school reports on class rank. |
class_ranking_method | TEXT | [Numeric, Decile, Quintile, Quartile] The method for which a high school reports class rank. |
class_rank_weighting | TEXT | [Weighted, Unweighted] The GPA scale used to determine class rank. |
rank_decision_date | YYYY-MM-DD | The date when class rank was determined. This typically occurs at the end of the school year and is used to determine academic honors such as valedictorian (first in the class) and salutatorian (second in the class). |
gpa_reporting | TEXT | [Yes, No] Indicates if the high school reports or does not report on GPA. |
gpa_weighting | TEXT | [Weighted, Unweighted] The scale used for GPA reporting. |
gpa_minimum | NUM | Minimum GPA scale value |
gpa_maximum | NUM | Maximum GPA scale value |
highest_senior_gpa | NUM | The highest GPA in the current senior class. |
community_disruption | TEXT | [Yes, No] When enabled, space is provided to describe disruptions within the school's community that have impacted their school, like Covid-19. |
community_disruption_response | TEXT | This field captures any disruptions within the high school's community that have impacted their school, like Covid-19. |
ssr_counselor_name_first | TEXT | Information about the counselor that created or uploaded the SSR for a student. |
ssr_counselor_name_middle | TEXT | |
ssr_counselor_name_last | TEXT | |
ssr_counselor_title | TEXT | |
ssr_counselor_workphone | TEXT | |
ssr_counselor_workextension | TEXT | |
ssr_counselor_cellphone | TEXT | |
ssr_counselor_email | TEXT | |
ssr_unweighted_gpa | NUM | A student’s unweighted or weighted GPA in the report. |
ssr_weighted_gpa | NUM | |
ssr_exact_rank | NUM | A student’s exact rank if their high school’s class ranking method is Numeric. |
ssr_decile_rank | NUM | A student’s decile rank if their high school’s class ranking method is Decile. |
ssr_quintile_rank | NUM | A student’s quintile rank if their high school’s class ranking method is Quintile. |
ssr_quartile_rank | NUM | A student’s quartile rank if their high school’s class ranking method is Quartile. |
ssr_students_sharing_rank | NUM | The count of seniors that share the same rank as the student applicant. |
ssr_ap_capstone_candidate | SELECT_ONE | [Yes, No] Indicates if the student is an AP Capstone candidate. |
ssr_ib_diploma_candidate | SELECT_ONE | [Yes, No] Indicates if the student is an IB Diploma candidate. |
ssr_aiced_diploma_candidate | SELECT_ONE | [Yes, No] Indicates if the student is a Cambridge AICED candidate. |
ssrcourse1_fullyear_firstsemester_firsttrimester | TEXT | Information about the courses entered in the SSR by the student’s counselor. |
ssrcourse2_fullyear_firstsemester_firsttrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse3_fullyear_firstsemester_firsttrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse4_fullyear_firstsemester_firsttrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse5_fullyear_firstsemester_firsttrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse6_fullyear_firstsemester_firsttrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse7_fullyear_firstsemester_firsttrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse8_fullyear_firstsemester_firsttrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse1_secondsemester_secondtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse2_secondsemester_secondtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse3_secondsemester_secondtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse4_secondsemester_secondtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse5_secondsemester_secondtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse6_secondsemester_secondtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse7_secondsemester_secondtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse8_secondsemester_secondtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse1_thirdSemester_thirdtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse2_thirdSemester_thirdtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse3_thirdSemester_thirdtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse4_thirdSemester_thirdtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse5_thirdSemester_thirdtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse6_thirdSemester_thirdtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse7_thirdSemester_thirdtrimester | TEXT | |
ssrcourse8_thirdSemester_thirdtrimester | TEXT | |
ssr_academic_rigor_rating | SELECT_ONE | [Weak, Standard, Demanding, Very Demanding, Most Demanding] The student’s academic rigor rating as indicated by their counselor. |
ssr_academic_achievement_rating | SELECT_ONE | [Unable to judge, Below average, Average, Above average, Excellent (top 10%), Outstanding (top 1%)] The student’s academic achievement rating as indicated by their counselor. |
ssr_extracurricular_rating | SELECT_ONE | [Unable to judge, Below average, Average, Above average, Excellent (top 10%), Outstanding (top 1%)] The student’s extracurricular rating as indicated by their counselor. |
ssr_personal_qualities_rating | SELECT_ONE | [Unable to judge, Below average, Average, Above average, Excellent (top 10%), Outstanding (top 1%)] The student’s personal qualities rating as indicated by their counselor. |
ssr_overall_rating | SELECT_ONE | [Unable to judge, Below average, Average, Above average, Excellent (top 10%), Outstanding (top 1%)] The student’s overall rating as indicated by their counselor. |
ssr_contact_counselor | Checkbox | [Yes, No] An indication if the counselor would like to be contacted to discuss their evaluation of the student applicant. |
ssr_additional_counselor_comments | TEXT | Additional comments about the student applicant that the counselor included in the SSR. |
Recommender Metadata
This group of fields is intended to provide additional details regarding the source of a recommendation and will be populated for the following document types: CounselorRecommendation, TeacherRecommendation, OtherRecommendation
Field Name | Field Type / Format | Description |
recommender_name_first | TEXT | Recommender’s first name |
recommender_name_last | TEXT | Recommender’s last name |
recommender_title | TEXT | Recommender’s job title |
recommender_email | TEXT | Recommender’s email address |
recommender_phone | NUM | Recommender’s phone number |
recommender_phone_ext | NUM | Recommender’s phone number extension |
recommender_type | TEXT | [Teacher, Counselor, Other] |
recommender_sub_type | TEXT | [Coach, Employer, Community Leader, Other] A subtype for non-teacher and non-counselor recommenders. |
Midyear Report Data
This group of fields is leveraged for the passing of Midyear Report data and will be populated only when the associated document type is MidyearReport.
Field Name | Field Type / Format | Description |
pct_attend_4year_college | NUM | Percentage of students who attend a 4-year college |
pct_attend_2year_college | NUM | Percentage of students who attend a 2-year college |
pct_first_generation | NUM | Percentage of first generation students |
pct_white_caucasian | NUM | Percentage of White/Caucasian students |
pct_black_africanamerican | NUM | Percentage of Black/African American students |
pct_hispanic_latino | NUM | Percentage of Hispanic/Latino students |
pct_asian | NUM | Percentage of Asian students |
pct_americanIndian_alaskanative | NUM | Percentage of Native American students |
pct_other_undisclosed | NUM | Percentage of other or undisclosed student ethnicity |
pct_uscitizen | NUM | Percentage of US citizens |
pct_non_uscitizen | NUM | Percentage of non-US citizens |
pct_free_or_reducedlunch | NUM | Percentage of students who are free or reduced lunch eligible (or are receiving tuition assistance) |
courses_offered | TEXT | [AP, IB, Honors] In the school report, offering IB courses is located under IB Courses, offering Advanced Placement courses is located under AP Courses, and offering Honors courses is located under Honors Courses. |
course_comments | TEXT | [Yes, No] This is a toggle that allows for additional comments surrounding courses offered. |
course_comments_response | TEXT | This field captures additional comments surrounding courses offered. |
ap_course_offering_number | NUM | The number of Advanced Placement courses offered by the high school. |
ap_course_limit | NUM | The maximum number of Advanced Placement courses a student can take per year. |
ib_course_offering_number | NUM | The number of International Baccalaureate courses offered by the high school. |
ib_course_limit | NUM | The maximum number of International Baccalaureate courses a student can take per year. |
honors_course_offering_number | NUM | The number of Honors courses offered by the high school. |
honors_course_limit | NUM | The maximum number of Honors courses a student can take per year. |
ap_capstone_offered | SELECT_ONE | [Yes, No, Not Indicated] Indicates if the high school offers an Advanced Placement Capstone Program. |
block_scheduling | TEXT | [Yes, No, Not Indicated] Indicates if the high school uses block scheduling. |
senior_graduation_date | YYYY-MM-DD | The expected senior class graduation date. |
senior_class_size | NUM | Senior class size: This numeric value can be used to determine where a student falls in class rank as indicated in the school report. |
class_rank_reporting | TEXT | [Yes, No] Indicates if the high school reports on class rank. |
class_ranking_method | TEXT | [Numeric, Decile, Quintile, Quartile] The method for which a high school reports class rank. |
class_rank_weighting | TEXT | [Weighted, Unweighted] The GPA scale used to determine class rank. |
rank_decision_date | YYYY-MM-DD | The date when class rank was determined. This typically occurs at the end of the school year and is used to determine academic honors such as valedictorian (first in the class) and salutatorian (second in the class). |
gpa_reporting | TEXT | [Yes, No] Indicates if the high school reports or does not report on GPA. |
gpa_weighting | TEXT | [Weighted, Unweighted] The scale used for GPA reporting. |
gpa_minimum | NUM | Minimum GPA scale value |
gpa_maximum | NUM | Maximum GPA scale value |
highest_senior_gpa | NUM | The highest GPA in the current senior class. |
community_disruption | TEXT | [Yes, No] When enabled, space is provided to describe disruptions within the school's community that have impacted their school, like Covid-19. |
community_disruption_response | TEXT | This field captures any disruptions within the high school's community that have impacted their school, like Covid-19. |
myr_counselor_name_first | TEXT | The counselor that created or uploaded the Midyear Report for a student should have their details populated in these fields. |
myr_counselor_name_middle | TEXT | |
myr_counselor_name_last | TEXT | |
myr_counselor_title | TEXT | |
myr_counselor_workphone | TEXT | |
myr_counselor_workextension | TEXT | |
myr_counselor_cellphone | TEXT | |
myr_counselor_email | TEXT | |
myr_unweighted_gpa | NUM | A student’s unweighted or weighted GPA in the report. |
myr_weighted_gpa | NUM | |
myr_exact_rank | NUM | Populate this field if the school's ClassRankingMethod is "Numeric" |
myr_decile_rank | NUM | Populate this field if the school's ClassRankingMethod is "Decile" |
myr_quintile_rank | NUM | Populate this field if the school's ClassRankingMethod is "Quintile" |
myr_quartile_rank | NUM | Populate this field if the school's ClassRankingMethod is "Quartile" |
myr_students_sharing_rank | NUM | The count of seniors that share the same rank as the student applicant. |
myr_rank_provided_date | YYYY-MM-DD | The date when class rank was determined. |
myr_course_changes | TEXT | [Yes, No] An indication if there were any changes to a student’s courses. |
myr_course_comments | TEXT | A field that captures comments for changes to a student’s courses. |
myr_evaluation_changes | TEXT | [Yes, No] An indication if there were any changes to the counselor’s evaluation of the student. |
myr_evaluation_comments | TEXT | A field that captures comments for changes to the counselor’s evaluation of the student. |
myr_contact_counselor | Checkbox | [Yes, No] An indication if the counselor would like to be contacted to discuss their evaluation of the student applicant. |
Final Report Data
This group of fields is leveraged for the passing of Final Report data and will be populated only when the associated document type is FinalReport.
Field Name | Field Type / Format | Description |
pct_attend_4year_college | NUM | Percentage of students who attend a 4-year college |
pct_attend_2year_college | NUM | Percentage of students who attend a 2-year college |
pct_first_generation | NUM | Percentage of first generation students |
pct_white_caucasian | NUM | Percentage of White/Caucasian students |
pct_black_africanamerican | NUM | Percentage of Black/African American students |
pct_hispanic_latino | NUM | Percentage of Hispanic/Latino students |
pct_asian | NUM | Percentage of Asian students |
pct_americanIndian_alaskanative | NUM | Percentage of Native American students |
pct_other_undisclosed | NUM | Percentage of other or undisclosed student ethnicity |
pct_uscitizen | NUM | Percentage of US citizens |
pct_non_uscitizen | NUM | Percentage of non-US citizens |
pct_free_or_reducedlunch | NUM | Percentage of students who are free or reduced lunch eligible (or are receiving tuition assistance) |
courses_offered | TEXT | [AP, IB, Honors] In the school report, offering IB courses is located under IB Courses, offering Advanced Placement courses is located under AP Courses, and offering Honors courses is located under Honors Courses. |
course_comments | TEXT | [Yes, No] This is a toggle that allows for additional comments surrounding courses offered. |
course_comments_response | TEXT | This field captures additional comments surrounding courses offered. |
ap_course_offering_number | NUM | The number of Advanced Placement courses offered by the high school. |
ap_course_limit | NUM | The maximum number of Advanced Placement courses a student can take per year. |
ib_course_offering_number | NUM | The number of International Baccalaureate courses offered by the high school. |
ib_course_limit | NUM | The maximum number of International Baccalaureate courses a student can take per year. |
honors_course_offering_number | NUM | The number of Honors courses offered by the high school. |
honors_course_limit | NUM | The maximum number of Honors courses a student can take per year. |
ap_capstone_offered | SELECT_ONE | [Yes, No, Not Indicated] Indicates if the high school offers an Advanced Placement Capstone Program. |
block_scheduling | TEXT | [Yes, No, Not Indicated] Indicates if the high school uses block scheduling. |
senior_graduation_date | YYYY-MM-DD | The expected senior class graduation date. |
senior_class_size | NUM | Senior class size: This numeric value can be used to determine where a student falls in class rank as indicated in the school report. |
class_rank_reporting | TEXT | [Yes, No] Indicates if the high school reports on class rank. |
class_ranking_method | TEXT | [Numeric, Decile, Quintile, Quartile] The method for which a high school reports class rank. |
class_rank_weighting | TEXT | [Weighted, Unweighted] The GPA scale used to determine class rank. |
rank_decision_date | YYYY-MM-DD | The date when class rank was determined. This typically occurs at the end of the school year and is used to determine academic honors such as valedictorian (first in the class) and salutatorian (second in the class). |
gpa_reporting | TEXT | [Yes, No] Indicates if the high school reports or does not report on GPA. |
gpa_weighting | TEXT | [Weighted, Unweighted] The scale used for GPA reporting. |
gpa_minimum | NUM | Minimum GPA scale value |
gpa_maximum | NUM | Maximum GPA scale value |
highest_senior_gpa | NUM | The highest GPA in the current senior class. |
community_disruption | TEXT | [Yes, No] When enabled, space is provided to describe disruptions within the school's community that have impacted their school, like Covid-19. |
community_disruption_response | TEXT | This field captures any disruptions within the high school's community that have impacted their school, like Covid-19. |
fr_counselor_name_first | TEXT | The counselor that created or uploaded the Final Report for a student should have their details populated in these fields. |
fr_counselor_name_middle | TEXT | |
fr_counselor_name_last | TEXT | |
fr_counselor_title | TEXT | |
fr_counselor_workphone | TEXT | |
fr_counselor_workextension | TEXT | |
fr_counselor_cellphone | TEXT | |
fr_counselor_email | TEXT | |
fr_unweighted_gpa | NUM | A student’s unweighted or weighted GPA in the report. |
fr_weighted_gpa | NUM | |
fr_class_rank | NUM | Populate this field if the school's ClassRankingMethod is "Numeric" |
fr_students_sharing_rank | NUM | The count of seniors that share the same rank as the student applicant. |
fr_rank_provided_date | YYYY-MM-DD | The date when class rank was determined. |
fr_graduating_on_time | TEXT | [Yes, No] An indication if the student is graduating on time. |
fr_course_changes | TEXT | [Yes, No] An indication if there were any changes to a student’s courses. |
fr_course_comments | TEXT | A field that captures comments for changes to a student’s courses. |
fr_evaluation_changes | TEXT | [Yes, No] An indication if there were any changes to the counselor’s evaluation of the student. |
fr_evaluation_comments | TEXT | A field that captures comments for changes to the counselor’s evaluation of the student. |
fr_contact_counselor | Checkbox | [Yes, No] An indication if the counselor would like to be contacted to discuss their evaluation of the student applicant. |