Bulk Add/Update Student GPAs

  1. Download a file from your SIS that includes both the HS Student ID and the GPA values which are used in Scoir. Save the file as a .csv . If you do not have a download, you can use the template found here: Scoir_GPA_Import.csv
  2. If using a template, include the required information
    If you do not use both an unweighted and weighted GPA, only the GPA being used or updated needs to be included.
    *student_id_hs Unique, school-assigned student ID, which can contain alphanumeric characters (primary identifier your school uses to match data with a student's record.
    first_name Student's first name
    last_name Student's last name
    class_year Student's graduation year
    *unweighted_GPA Student's current GPA
    *weighted_GPA Student's current weighted GPA
    * = required field
  3. From your Scoir account, go to (...More > Data Management to access the data management page
Accessing Data Management from your Scoir account
  1. Locate the "Student Data" section and click Expand List to the right.
  2. Find the "Student GPAs" section and click Upload new file to the right to upload either the SIS export .csv file or the template .csv file
Upload student GPAs from data management page on Scoir
  1. Click Continue
  2. Map the data fields to the correct category and click Proceed 


counselor, imports

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Bulk Add/Update Senior Courses

Bulk Add/Update Transcripts
