For District Admins: District Communications

District and Network users have the ability to utilize Scoir as central hub for communications through District Communications. Emails can be sent district-wide with the ability to target staff, students, and parents/guardians.

Any Network Manager or User can view the Communication Tab, but only those with the Network Communications Manager role will be able to write, edit, and send emails. The Communication tab houses the Email Center, from which all communications can be drafted and managed.

Sending District-Wide Communications

  1. From the Email Center, choose Create New, to draft a new email.
  1. Select recipients by choosing a single school, multiple schools, or all schools. Any school added individually can also be removed.
  2. Once schools are selected, counselors can also be added individually or across all schools. If this message is only for counselors, choose next to compose the email.
  3. Similarly, once schools have been selected, students, parents/guardians, or both can be added by graduation year. Choose next to compose the email.
  4. The email title is for your reference, and the email subject will be included as the subject of the message. The message can include hyperlinks and rich text. The number of schools and recipients can be seen in the Audience Details box on the right.
  1. Once the email is complete, choose next to review final details, including the send from email (which is only available to districts with Advanced Email enabled), the ability to send now, or schedule for later and include a reminder.
  1. Messages can be sent/scheduled immediately, or saved as a draft, and the back button can be used to visit the previous screen and make changes or further review.

Once sent, scheduled, or saved as a draft, messages can be reviewed and updated in the Network Email Center.

How did we do?

For District Admins: Setting Up and Enabling Advanced Email Features
