District Administrators

For District Admins: Logging into your Network account

When you have been added as a user to a district or network of schools, you will receive an email asking you to complete your registration. Upon Login, If you already have a login at a school site, y…


For District Admins: Getting started with a Network account

Use this guide to learn how to navigate your Network account.


For District Admins: Adding and managing users in your Network account

If you have been designated as a Network Manager you may also add other users to your network of schools. To add a new user to your network first navigate to the Users menu from the Welcome Dropdown…


For District Admins: Network roles and permissions

What are user roles? User roles are the way admissions officer permissions are granted in Scoir. Admissions officers can only perform specific actions granted by the user roles they have been assigne…


For District Admins: District communications

District and Network users have the ability to utilize Scoir as central hub for communications through District Communications. Emails can be sent district-wide with the ability to target staff, stud…


For District Admins: Setting up and enabling Advanced Email features

Click Here For An Introduction to Scoir's Advanced Email Integration. Your email domain. Please Note! This feature requires an edit to your school's Domain Name System (DNS) that may require approval…

