For Colleges: Slate Mapping

As we continue to bring new updates and enhancements to our document delivery system, you may need to update Field and Prompt Value Mapping within Technolutions Slate in order to achieve efficient automated document delivery.

Accessing Source Formatting

  1. Navigate to your settings and choose Database. Next, select Source Formats under Import and Data Processing.

2. Click on ScoirMaterials.

  1. Choose Remap and then select Fields in the right-hand menu.

Field Mapping

Scoir has over 100 fields in the Scoir Index File. In order to make use of the fields within Slate and take advantage of automation, field mapping is required. These steps are done by completing a remap of the ScoirMaterials Source Format Definition in Slate. When mapping the Scoir Index File, Values may also be mapped, however, this may not be required.

Click Here for an overview of fields and descriptions available in the Scoir Index File

  1. To remap Fields, follow the instructions above to access source formatting
  2. Select Fields in the top right-hand column.
  3. Click the field you wish to remap.
  4. Choose the new field from the dropdown menu.
  5. Click save to finalize.

While a number of these fields are automatically mapped, As of August 2020, over 100 new fields have been added to our manifest file. we occasionally add new fields to the Index File. If you want to leverage these new fields, they will need to be manually mapped.

Value Mapping

In order to take advantage of automation with the Scoir Materials File, value mapping is required. Values may be remapped as updates become available. When mapping the Scoir Materials File, Fields may also be mapped, however, this may not be required.

  1. To Remap Values, follow the instructions above to access source formatting
  2. Select Prompt Value Mappings in the top right-hand column.
  3. Click the value you wish to remap.
  4. Click save to finalize.

For Illustrative Purposes Only

For more information please contact your Slate representative or the Slate support team.

How did we do?

For Colleges: Troubleshooting Configuration of SFTP Integration with Scoir

For Colleges: Supported Document Types
