For Colleges: Application Activation

Customer Support Team Updated by Customer Support Team

Please note: Only colleges receiving applications from Scoir will be able to use this section.

Colleges will need to link Scoir with their Slate instance in order to receive applications through Scoir. This section will walk you through the process of testing that connection to enable application delivery, as well as how you’ll confirm you’ve finished configuring your application and are ready to launch.

Only users with the Application Manager role will be able to access this section.
You must complete the 'Configure' section of the Application tab as well as the 'Activate' section to receive applications.

Step 1: Test Application Initiation

Before moving forward with this process:

You are required to have both your Source Format and Supplemental Form active in Slate prior to launch. Due to the unique nature of our application integration, the existence of the active source format is critical. An inactive source format will result in failures for your applicants. Please wait to activate in Scoir until you have made these items active in Slate.

Leaving this page after any of the steps below will not require starting over again and will save your completed progress.
  1. To test the connection between Slate and Scoir, you will send a mock test application to your Slate instance and confirm that the application status returns to Scoir as intended. The Scoir verification-app-round must be mapped in Slate before performing this step. You can map this round to any Application Round in your instance of Slate.
    1. Map verification-app-round and then send mock app
    1. Click Send Mock Application.

  1. After you send the mock application, this will initialize the status. 'Initiated' status means that the application was sent successfully from Scoir to Slate.

  1. The next step is to verify data has been sent to the correct Slate instance for your institution. To do this, you must enter the Coalition ID of the mock application in the space provided here. This Coalition ID must be pulled from Slate.
    (steps below)
    Please note: Users need to have the 'Import' permission in Slate to be able to pull the Coalition ID from Slate.
  1. Go to the database section at the top of the page in Slate.
  1. Go to Source Formats
  1. Go to CoalitionApplicationProfile under Source Formats
  1. Click the most recent record to show Row Details

  1. Copy the coalitionId (in the 5th row) and copy that field
  2. Return to Scoir and paste that copied Coalition ID from Slate into Scoir.
  1. Once you hit Submit, a green checkmark should show, indicating that the correct coalitionid number from your college's Slate instance matched the Scoir reported Slate instance for your college.

Step 2: Test Application Submission (test your form)

This is where we are testing submission of the college supplement.

  1. Here, you will click Open Supplement in New Tab button to be taken to Slate to review and submit your college’s supplement form. This will SSO the user into Slate.
We recommend using Chrome and incognito window to alleviate any issues with the Slate SSO if you are already logged into Slate as another user.
  1. Be sure to complete all the necessary information on your supplement form as required by your institution, verify that all form logic displays as intended, and confirm your application fee payment process is in place (if applicable). When you’re finished, click Submit to proceed.
  2. Once this is complete, go back into Scoir, click the Refresh button to update the status. This should reflect 'submitted'.
Please note: Currently, data is being pulled back from Slate on an hourly basis. This piece may take some time. It is ok to leave and return to this page. Your current progress will remain.
  1. Once the status is confirmed and you have completed any desired additional testing, click Verify and Continue. Your screen will then look like the below.

Step 3: Confirm Application Configuration

The next step will ask you to confirm that you have completed the Application Configuration in Scoir for your institution in the Application Tab under Configure. Your configuration must be completed to proceed in activating your application. You will not be able to make changes to your configuration for this cycle once you have activated your application and the application is made available to students.

Click on Preview Application as Student if you'd like to test your application from a student's perspective at this stage of the process. Once you’ve confirmed your application configuration is complete, click Yes to continue.

On August 1, this is locked once you click Yes, so ensure this is all correct before August 1 and clicking Yes.

If you have not completed this, selecting No, go to Application Configuration will take you to the Configure tab in Scoir to complete it before proceeding.

Step 4: Confirm Application Rounds

The next step asks you to confirm whether you have finished setting up your Application Rounds in Scoir, and that all Scoir Rounds have been mapped to Application Rounds in Slate. Application Rounds are how we collect application deadlines and requirements. You may set up as many rounds as you need. If you are receiving both First-Year and Transfer applications in Scoir, you will need to have at least one round for each applicant type. All deadlines correspond to 11:59pm UTC on the date selected.

Please review the Application Round help document here for additional information.
Please note: If you have enabled transfer applications, but do not have a transfer application round in place, you will not be able to move forward. 'Yes' will be greyed out here.

If you have completed this click Yes to continue.  If any rounds are not correctly mapped to Slate, an error message will display those rounds. You cannot continue until the mapping issues are resolved.

Click on Preview Application as Student to test your application from a student's perspective.

If you have not completed this or still wish to make updates, selecting No, Go to Set Rounds will take you to the Configure tab in Scoir to complete it before proceeding. If you are seeing a Slate round mapping validation error, review the Application Round Considerations section of this Slate Knowledge Base Article.

Step 5: Activate Application

If you have completed all of the steps above, you are ready to activate your application.Take a moment to preview your application, ensuring everything is just as you want it. Once you're all set, click Turn on Apply with Scoir to activate your application. Students will be able to initiate the application process beginning August 1 in the Fall of the start of the application cycle. . If you would like to begin receiving applications at a later date, please do not activate your application until that time.

step five, activate application

Beginning August 1, once you have successfully activated your application, your unique access link to the application experience to share with students will be available here. This unique link will enable students to start your application process immediately. If you need your unique access link prior to August 1, please reach out to support at

How did we do?

For Colleges: Configuring Your Application

For Colleges: Importing School Reference IDs
