For Colleges: Programs

Customer Support Updated by Customer Support

Programs are included when you upgrade to Premium Presence. Learn more.

⚠️ This article has outdated content. For an up-to-date overview on how to create & manage Programs and other content, click here.

Programs allow your team to create and share upcoming summer, pre-college, and other programs offered by your institution, so you can attract best-fit students. Students can then discover and register for your Program directly on Scoir.

Creating Programs

  1. To create a Program, navigate to Engage > Presence > Programs.

  1. Clicking + Create New Card will open up a new Program Card.
  2. Make your program engaging by adding the Details. Include a title, image or video, season during which the program will run, a brief description, and more.
  3. Scroll to add the Type of program, whether it's in-person or virtual.
  4. Lastly, add your Eligible Grade(s) preferences and include tags for Academic Focuses and categories. Go live with your program by selecting Save & Publish. Or, if you want to wait to publish the program for students to see, select Save as Hidden.

Students Viewing Programs

Students can find programs using the search bar. Or, they can go to Programs in Discover and filter by colleges in their My Colleges list, academic focus, season, and more.

When clicking into a program, they can register, view the type and dates, and more. Programs will be available in the counselor and parent/guardian experience too.

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