Users Page Overview

Middle school counselors, please note that your access and visibility into certain features might differ compared to high school counselors'.

Account Administrators are the only users who can add/remove Staff Users in Scoir.

On the Users page, which is accessed from the More.... Drop Down Menu (shown below), the Account Administrator can:

  • View a roster of current counselor, staff, and teacher account holders
  • Invite new counselors, staff, or teachers to Scoir
  • Assign roles to your counselors, staff, and teachers
  • Filter your user accounts by role
  • Create and apply bulk student counselor assignments
NOTE:  You must have the Account Administrator role to manage a school's individual counselor and staff Scoir accounts.

To access the Users page, click on the More tab at the top middle of the Scoir app, then select Users from the drop-down menu.

On the Users screen, you will be able to view all of your current counselors, staff, and teachers Scoir account holders. By default, your Users roster is organized alphabetically by last name. You can change the sort order by clicking on the Last column header. You can also search for a specific user with the Search field at the top right of the page.

Roster Columns - clicking on the small arrow next to the work will allow sorting of user by this column heading!

The Title column displays the job title you have reported for each user.

The Status column displays the current account status for each user. The three statuses that will be reported are:

  • Active - The user has opened their invitation email and registered their Scoir account.
  • Invited - The user has been invited to Scoir, but has not yet registered their account.
  • Not yet invited - The user has not yet been invited to Scoir.

Last Login displays the last date and time each user logged into Scoir. If this column is blank, the user has not yet logged into Scoir.

The Roles column displays what account roles and permissions each user account has. To learn more about each user role and their associated account permissions, visit our Roles and Permissions article for a detailed listing.

Edit, Roles, and Delete options


You can edit the details of a user's account by clicking the Edit icon. The Faculty Information panel will appear, where you can make changes to the user's name, job title, work phone, and cell phone contact information.

Editing a User Email
User emails can only be edited prior to inviting a user to Scoir. Once the user is 'active' only the user is able to edit their Scoir email by logging into their account and adding an alternate email, then making this their primary.


To adjust a user's roles and permissions, click on the Roles icon. The Manage Roles panel will appear. Add or remove roles from the user account by toggling the switch beside each role on or off. A green check mark indicates a role that the user currently has. You can expand each role entry to learn more detail about their permissions by clicking on the down arrow next to the role title.

Clicking on the small arrow next to each role, will expand and show a brief description of what that role will allow access to in Scoir.


Use the Delete option to remove any user accounts from your school. When you delete an account, the user will no longer have access to Scoir, and any data contained within their account will be removed. Please make sure the user does not have any Letters of Recommendation associated with the account prior to removal.

This action is permanent and cannot be reversed. Please exercise caution before deleting a user account.

Filter by Role

Use the Filter by Role button at the top left of the Users page to filter your user accounts by their roles. You can select any role or combination of roles to filter from your User Roster.

Other Filters

  • Teacher Role Only - Displays users who are only teachers, and excludes counselors who also have the "teacher" role.
  • No Roles Assigned - Displays users with no roles assigned to their account. Users without any roles will not be able to access Scoir. Use this filter to locate any users without roles.

Adding New Staff Accounts

Select the Add New User button at the top left of the Users page to add a new user account to your school.

Review our Create Individual Staff User Accounts guide for additional information.

Inviting Staff and Bulk Adding Roles

Use the "I would like to" button to invite selected staff users to their Scoir accounts, and to add roles to multiple users at once.

Inviting Staff

Check the box next to each staff member you wish to invite to Scoir, and then click on the "I would like to" button and select Invite Staff to begin the invitation process. Review our Inviting Staff - Bulk Action help document for additional details on inviting your staff to Scoir.

Bulk Add Roles to Multiple Accounts

To add a role to multiple counselors at once, check the box next to each counselor you wish to add your new role to, then click the "I would like to" button and select Add Roles from the drop-down menu that appears.

The Add User Roles panel will appear. Choose the roles you wish to add to the users you have selected, then click Done to save your changes.

To learn more about each user role and their associated account permissions, visit our Roles and Permissions help document for a detailed listing.

Assign Counselors

The Assign Counselors tool can be accessed by clicking on Assign Counselors at the top right of the Users page. This tool will allow you to bulk assign counselors to your students, and maintain ongoing alphabetical counselor assignments automatically as new students are added.

To learn more about the Assign Counselors tool, visit our Bulk Assign or Re-Assign of Counselors to Students page.

How did we do?

Adding and removing counselors and other staff to Scoir
