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For Counselors: Set student outcomes and post-graduate plans

As college results come in and students make final decisions on post-graduate plans, counselors can Set Student Outcomes & Plans for more visibility and efficient reporting.

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In April, students get an in-product nudge to record their application outcomes.

Accessing outcomes

You can access outcomes from the counselor dashboard under College Data & Outcomes, as well as in the student profile under Colleges & Applications > My Colleges.

Setting student outcomes & plans

Step 1: Go to the Student Outcomes & Plans center

  1. In the top navigation bar, click More and select Data Management
  2. In the Student Data section, click Expand List
  3. Find the Student Outcomes & Plans section within the expanded list, then click on Edit outcomes to access the Student Outcomes & Plans center where you can view applications and make edits.
  4. Use the filters at the top to sort applications by Plan Status, Outcome Status, Class Year, College, Student, or Assigned Counselor.
Here’s a breakdown of each filter
Plan Status: Allows you to filter students based on a selection of plan statuses. Any is inclusive of all students, incomplete will show students with incomplete outcomes, and complete shows students who have completed all of their outcomes.

Outcome Status: Allows you to filter students based on collegiate and non-collegiate outcome status including Any, Pending, Accepted, Denied, Deferred, Waitlist, No Application Activity, Delaying College, and Non-Collegiate Plans.

Class Year: Allows you to filter students based on a selected class year.

College: Allows you to search for a specific college and filter for students who have an outcome with that college.

Student: Allows you to search for an individual student's outcomes.

Assigned Counselor: Allows you to search for a counselor and filter for students who are assigned to that counselor.

Step 2: Set college outcomes

Before selecting the application outcome, you can indicate if the student is applying test optional, and if they’ve been deferred or waitlisted. You can also add a hook, such as athletics, to help get a more precise understanding of the outcome.

Once the final application outcome is determined, select the results from the dropdown. You can come back and update outcomes as they change.

If a student applied with Scoir, they will be made aware of an available decision, but their specific outcome will still need to be reported in Scoir! Slate does not pass back actual decisions into the system, just the availability of a decision.

Please do not set an outcome as 'Unknown' unless this is the FINAL outcome for this college for the student. If the student still does not have a decision, leave it as 'Pending Decision' until that decision is received. If the outcome is set to 'unknown' you will not be able to send any new supporting materials in the 'send documents' tab for that particular student and college.
Only counselors can set the outcome to 'Unknown.' If a student tries to select 'Unknown,' a pop up will appear letting them know only counselors can select that option.

Step 3: Set alternative plans

If a student has alternative plans, like trade schools, gap year, military, etc., to college these outcomes can also be selected.

Updating outcomes from a student's profile

If a student hasn't added any schools to their applying list and you want to add them on their behalf, you can do so directly within their profile's My Colleges page.

To add or edit application outcomes for an individual student:

  1. Access the student's profile and navigate to the Personal Details page.
  2. Once there, find the Student Outcomes and Plans section.
  3. Click on Manage Outcomes and Plans to be redirected to the Student Outcomes & Plans center, filtered specifically for that student.
  4. Review the student's applications and make any necessary changes.

How did we do?

For Counselors: Guide to Acceptance Likelihood and Intelligent Match

For Counselors: Discover Programs
