Bulk Add/Update Students

Middle school counselors, please note that your access and visibility into certain features might differ compared to high school counselors'.

The Bulk Add and Update Students feature can be used for updating student information or adding a new class year of students to Scoir, who may not already be there. Follow the instructions below to add or update your student information in bulk.

Please do not run any imports if you are unsure of your data file. This is a very important piece of information and must be reviewed thoroughly prior to import.

This feature requires the Data Management Role in Scoir.
If reimporting student data: Please ensure student emails and student IDs match with what is already in Scoir. The email field is locked after import and emails cannot be entered after an initial import. Please make sure to include these.
  1. Download the import template: scoir.student.template.csv, or export a student file from your student information system. You can also directly export the student roster from your Students tab in Scoir if you are makng updates to existing students at your high school. Be sure to export all columns if exporting from Scoir. You will need to have the fields below included in the export!
    1. Required fields:
      1. Current Students - Required
        Student ID
        First Name
        Last Name
        Class year (in YYYY format) (please do not import 'grade', it must be a cohort/year in xxxx format)
        Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd formats are supported)
        Optional fields include: Sex, Ethnicity (Hispanic y/n), Race (US Census Bureau categories White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander), Address 1, Address2, City, State, Zip, Phone, Counselor
      1. Alumni - Required
        Student ID
        First Name
        Last Name
        Class year (in YYYY format) (please do not import 'grade', it must be a cohort/year in xxxx format)
        Birthdate. (mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd formats are supported)
        We do not import emails for alumni students
      Optional fields include: Sex, Ethnicity (Hispanic y/n), Race (US Census Bureau categories White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander), Address 1, Address2, City, State, Zip, Phone, Counselor
      For Counselor, please ensure a list of counselors and emails are also included as fields if you would like counselor assigned. Counselors must be added as a Counselor Role in Scoir prior to assignments.
  2. To submit the file, click on More from the navigation menu and select Data Management from the dropdown
  3. To the right of Student Data, click Expand List
  4. To the right of Student Roster, click Upload new file and select the student file you want to upload
  5. Map each column to the appropriate data point click Continue
Mapping student roster data
For updating students, go to the Students tab and export the class of students you want to update by exporting students from the Student | Roster tab in Scoir, to a .CSV file using the Export File button on the right side. Make the changes you want, and then re-upload the file using the same steps above
Citizenship field is only supported with a Naviance import file. It is not supported on a general import file.
We do not currently support International addresses or phone numbers in Scoir for import at this time.

counselor, imports

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Bulk Add/Update School Photos

Importing Student Historical Applications (Limited Import Available)
