Table of Contents

For Counselors: Setting Acceptance Likelihood

Acceptance Likelihood is a classification of colleges representing the selectivity or competitiveness of that college for each student. This rating can be automatically calculated using Intelligent MatchI or manually assigned by a counselor or student. The standard levels are:

  • Far Reach
  • Reach
  • Level
  • Likely
  • Very Likely
Before beginning to tag acceptance likelihood ratings for students, please navigate to your School Settings page to adjust settings as needed. This is an important first step

Decide which labels you would like to use. While Far Reach/Reach/Level/Likely/Very Likely are popular terms, you can customize these according to your needs.

Make sure to save your edits by clicking on the blue button.

Assign Acceptance Likelihood

  1. Navigate to the student's profile and select Colleges & Applications > My Colleges from the left-hand menu.
  2. In the column view of the student's My Colleges list, click on a college tile under Suggested, Following, Applying, or Applied to open the College Details panel. If you're in the table view, simply hover over the college name and click Preview
  3. In the Admission Intelligence section of the College Details panel, click Edit next to the Acceptance Likelihood box.

  1. Decide whether to use Intelligent Match to assign an Acceptance Likelihood or manually select a level from the list. If your school’s settings enable Intelligent Match to automatically assign Acceptance Likelihood, your manual selections will override these automatic assignments.

  1. If the student has permission to set values and has taken action, their name will appear next to the assigned value. The acceptance likelihood will also be visible at the bottom of each college card.

Sorting and Adjusting Values

  • Sorting: Both you and your student can sort the list of colleges based on Acceptance Likelihood.
  • Adjusting Values: If both the counselor and student have the ability to set values, either of you can change the values by clicking on the option and selecting a different level, overriding the previous selection.

How did we do?

For Counselors: Using Predictive Chances

For Counselors: Set student outcomes and post-graduate plans
