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For Colleges: Testing Your Application

Customer Support Updated by Customer Support

Please note, this article only applies to Coalition colleges who accept applications from Scoir.
Before you test your application, pleasure ensure you've completed configuration and the first 2 steps of activation.


Application Managers or Application Testers can test their institution's application, just as a student would. This helps you validate that your configurations is what you intended.

Role Required


Application Manager

• Create/edit application deadlines and requirements

• Configure and test application

• View Scoir college profile

Application Tester

• Run test applications

• View Scoir college profile

*This role does not provide access to students' personally identifiable information.

Testing Your Application Experience

When you're ready to test your application, navigate to Application > Configure and click Test Student Experience.

You'll be asked to choose the round for which you will "apply."

This step is not part of the actual student application experience, but simply required for the purposes of testing.

From here, you can progress through the 5 sections on the left to confirm your configuration appears how you intended:

  • Personal
  • Family
  • Education
  • Essay & More
  • Review & Submit

If you need to exit the test application, simply click the X in the upper right corner. You'll be returned to the Configure page. The fields you've added to your test application will save, so you can pick up where you left off.

Initiating Your Test Application

As of June 20, 2023, while you can build a test application, you cannot yet initiate part 1 in this 2 step process. Slate needs to update the Source Format before you can initiate. We will inform users as soon as initiation is available. Please see below for the error message you may encounter!

If you haven't yet ensured that the first 2 steps in your activation are complete, please be sure to do so! That way, you're ready to initiate when Slate makes the Source Format available. The first 2 steps are a pre-requisite to initiation.

Once initiation is available, here's what you'll see:

(Coming Soon) Resetting Your Test Application

Once initiation is available and you've initiated your test application, you can reset a previously initiated application by navigating to the Review & Submit section, where you'll find a Reset Initiated Application button.

You can choose whether or not you'd like your application data to be reset, or preserved.

  • If you choose to preserved your application data, you can initiate another application, without reentering applicant data.
  • If you choose to clear your application data, you'll start again with a clean slate.

On the Review & Submit page, you can choose a different application round, in case you want to test the different experiences between First Year and Transfer applicants, should you support both in your configuration.

Click the pencil icon on the right of Application Deadline to edit your application round.

Then, select the round from the dropdown.

How did we do?

For Colleges: Scoir Application Integration Checklist
