For Counselors: Why aren't documents appearing in the list to be sent to colleges?

As students mark schools as "Applying" or "Applied", Scoir automatically populates a document list with only those documents required for that specific college. 

Please ensure that your students have their colleges in the applied column to mark that they have submitted their applications via their preferred method. This should be done before you send their application materials through Scoir.

When counselors attempt to send documents, we do limit the list to those requirements and some additional documents. 

Even if a student has an initial or mid-year transcript uploaded, self-reporting colleges won't always require these documents. This is because self-reporting colleges require the students to provide academic information, except for final transcripts at the end of the year. Because of this, documents will not populate in a document list, as they are not required.

To see what documents a college a college would like to receive, you can go to their Profile and click 'info', and then click on the application deadline in blue on the right hand side. That will show you what documents the college has marked as 'required', 'as available' and 'do not send'.

While counselors do always have the ability to change requirements for any college, we highly recommend that you only use that tool as a last resource.


An example of a self-reporting college is Florida State University. There are no documents required to send forward on behalf of a student.

This is not in error, this is based on the college requirements.


Once Final Transcripts are uploaded to Scoir, for colleges where these are marked as "Required" the transcript will automatically pull into the application packets to then send forward.

counselor, applications, send, profile, send-documents


How did we do?

For Counselors: Resending an Updated Transcript after it was already Sent

For Counselors: Track Application Materials
