Table of Contents

For Counselors: Managing FERPA on Behalf of a Student

Marking FERPA as Signed on Your Students' Behalf

Please note that you cannot sign FERPA on your student's behalf.

You as a counselor can mark FERPA Release or Waiver as signed on your student's behalf in Scoir. However, by doing so you are NOT signing the documents and FERPA will not populate to be included in your student's packet.

The only time you should manually mark FERPA as signed is if your student provided the signed document outside of Scoir and you do not wish for the student to be prompted to sign it in Scoir again.

Resetting an Already Signed FERPA Release and Waiver

If a student accidentally granted FERPA waiver or FERPA release and would like to unsign it, you as a counselor can do so by going to the student's profile.

Students cannot change status of their FERPA release or waiver after it's signed/withheld. Only counselors can do so.

Once there, click on the pen icon next to the FERPA section, set FERPA as unsigned and save.

How did we do?

For Counselors: Uploading Recommendations on Behalf of an 'Other Recommender' outside of Scoir

Understanding FERPA - Frequently Asked Questions
