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For Counselors: Using Plans

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Rather than manually creating and assigning individual tasks for students each year, use Plans to create, edit, publish, and repurpose a plan of recurring Tasks and Forms that are automatically assigned and can be reused year over year. 

Plans are assigned to specific grade levels and especially benefit schools with standardized milestones or yearly recurring tasks your students should complete. If students are added to your roster in the middle of the year, any published tasks associated with a Plan will be automatically assigned to them. At the end of the year, these tasks can be assigned to the new grade level after the academic rollover occurs.

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 For schools in a district, Plans can also be created at the network level! If you use Scoir for network services, talk to your district administrator about the benefits of standardizing plans across all your schools.

Create Plans

  1. In your Scoir account, go to Assignments > Plans
  2. In the upper right, click + Add Plan
  3. In the dialog box, fill in your plan's details like the title, an optional description, and the grade level it’s for. Then hit Create to go to the Plan Overview page. (When you select a grade-level audience and publish your plan, it will be assigned to the current class. After the rollover, the plan can be repurposed for the next class)
  4. In the Plan Overview page, click +Add Tasks to create tasks that will make up this Plan. While you're creating your tasks, feel free to set future start dates to schedule tasks to be visible later in the school year when they may be more relevant
Currently, tasks created outside of a plan cannot be added to a plan

Publish Plans

Once you’ve added tasks to a Plan, you are ready to publish and assign all Plan tasks to the current grade level. When you publish a Plan, all tasks (and forms within those tasks) are automatically assigned to your grade-level audience.

👉 We suggest publishing Plans with start and due dates within the current academic year. If you are planning ahead for the next academic year, feel free to add tasks with future dates, but refrain from publishing them until after the academic rollover. Publishing plans with dates in the current academic year avoids confusion and prevents scheduling conflicts between academic cycles.

  1. In your Scoir account, go to Assignments > Plans
  2. In the table, click on the Plan name you want to publish. This will open the Plan overview page
  3. Near the top right corner of the Plan overview page, click Publish

Great news! Your plan has been published, and students are now assigned its tasks.If you published a district-level plan, all students in the specified grade level across all schools are now assigned their tasks.

To view a list of assignees, click on the task title to open a task preview. Remember, if you add a start date to the tasks within a Plan, students won’t have access to them until the start date is reached.

Edit Plans

Grade level cannot be edited once a plan is published. Additionally, counselors cannot edit or delete network/district Plans.

You can edit both draft and published plans at any time. However, the grade level cannot be changed once a plan is published. Additionally, you can always add tasks to a Plan, and if the plan is published, new tasks will be automatically assigned based on the set grade level.

To edit the basic details of your Plan, such as the title, description, or grade level, follow these steps:

  1. In your Scoir account, go to Assignments > Plans
  2. In the table, find the plan you want to update. Click the three dots next to the right of the Plan row and select Edit Plan or click on the Plan and then click the edit pencil icon on the Plan Overview Page
  3. Make your changes to the title, description, and grade level. (Note that the grade level cannot be changed after a plan has been published)
  4. Click Save

To edit/delete the tasks within your Plan, follow these steps:

  1. In your Scoir account, go to Assignments > Plans
  2. In the table, click on a Plan name to open the Plan overview page
  3. Find the task you want to update, click the three dots to the right of the task row, and select Edit Task or Delete Task
  4. Make the necessary edits to your task and click Save, or if deleting a task, click Yes to confirm the deletion

Delete Plans

When you delete a Plan, all of its tasks are also deleted. If the plan is published, deleting it will also remove all assignments. This means that students who had access to the tasks before won't be able to see them once the published plan is deleted.
  1. In your Scoir account, go to Assignments > Plans
  2. In the table, find the plan you want to delete. Click the three dots to the right of the Plan's row and select Delete Plan
  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion

Exporting a Plan's Tasks

  1. In your Scoir account, navigate to Assignments > Plans
  2. Click on the plan name in the table to open its overview page
  3. Near the top right of the overview page, click Export to download a CSV file with all students assigned to the tasks and their completion status for each task

Archiving a Plan's Tasks

Tasks cannot be unarchived at this time.

When rollover occurs, assignments from Plan Tasks will be automatically archived for any students who have not completed them. This will remove the assignment as an outstanding item and give students a clean slate heading into their new grade level. Each Plan and Plan Task will be reverted to a Draft/Pending state so they can be reviewed and published for the new list of students. 

However, you can manually archive Plan Tasks ahead of rollover. Please note that when you do this, the  status of the Task will remain as Archived and any new students that join at a later time will not have these Tasks assigned to them. This gives you the ability to preserve history while effectively retiring the Task from future assignment.  

Even after archiving, students who were assigned the task can still see it by toggling Show archived assignments on their dashboard. You can still report on archived task history, and students can mark them complete or incomplete as usual.

Remember, once a task is manually archived, you can't bring it back!

Access your district's Plans

Districts can create and publish plans for students based on their grade level across all schools within the district using the same guidelines above. If your district has any published Plans that apply to the students at your school, you can easily view them by turning on the Show network-managed plans toggle.

As a counselor, you cannot edit or delete district plans, but you can send reminders to your students about them.

Frequently asked questions

How do Plans work?
When you start, you'll create a Plan and add tasks for students at specific grade levels. Each task can have a form to collect information from students. Once published, students can start their tasks right away (unless there's a future start date), and you can keep an eye on their progress in real-time. Students who join mid-year will automatically get all the plans for their grade level. The only students not included when you publish a plan are disenrolled students. Any new tasks added to a published plan will be automatically assigned to the right students.

At the end of the academic year, when rosters roll over, and students get bumped up to the next grade level, the history will be maintained, and the plan tasks will be available to be reviewed, updated, and published for the new class of students.
Can I continue to add tasks to a Plan after it's published?
Absolutely! Any new tasks added to a published plan will automatically assign those tasks to the appropriate group.
Will new students who enroll during the class year have access to Plans?
Yes, new students who join mid-year will automatically get all the plans for their grade level. The only students not included when you publish a plan are disenrolled students.
Why would a District or Network set up Task Plans instead of a middle or high school?
Setting up a task plan at the network level is an opportunity for the Network to standardize task assignment and data collection through forms for all schools. This will also eventually enable this history to transfer with students if they move to a different high school in the network

Additional resources

For Counselors: Create and Assign Student Tasks

For Counselors: Using Forms

For Students: Access and Complete Your Assignments

How did we do?

For Counselors: Create and assign Tasks
