For Parents/Guardians: The Scoir mobile app - Inbox

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The Inbox shows you any surveys you may have to complete, notifications, direct messages with your student or their counselor, and messages from colleges. To explore your Inbox, you can follow along the top menu and select the tab you're interested in viewing.

In order to see your student's information, you must be linked to your student in Scoir—here is how to do so. Before linking, be sure to ask your student what email they use with Scoir.
Then, if your student is linked to their high school, you can message their counselor.

College Outreach

Colleges on your student's Following list can send you and your student messages so you can learn more about them. While colleges can see that someone is interested, they can't see that your student specifically is interested. This means that you and your student can connect with colleges, earlier in the process, without sharing your personal information!

Message Center

Direct Messaging

The Direct Messaging tab allows you to view and send messages to your student or their counselor.

To start a new conversation with your student or their counselor, tap the Compose icon at the bottom corner of the screen. You will get a list of counselors in your school that you are able to message.

To return to an existing conversation, tap the cell of the conversation from the Direct Messages list.


To view your notifications, scroll to Notifications in the top menu. Notifications will be displayed by the most recent descending, and unread notifications will be indicated by a blue dot.


The surveys tab is where you will be able to view and respond to any surveys that have been sent to you by your student's counselor.

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For Parents/Guardians: The Scoir mobile app - Colleges

For Parents: The Scoir mobile app- Me
