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For Students: Early Decision contracts

Customer Support Team Updated by Customer Support Team

What is Early Decision (ED)?

Early decision (ED) is a binding agreement, where you indicate to the college that upon acceptance you will attend that school. This is a good choice if you know the school is your number one choice. However, you may only apply to one school using this process. Because it is a binding agreement, the institution requires signatures from you, your family, and a school counselor.

How do I initiate an Early Decision contract?

These directions are only for students who are connected to their high school on Scoir. See here if you are unsure if you are linked to a high school in Scoir.

Early Decision contracts can be initiated from the My Colleges list.

  1. A college must first be added as an early decision application, by moving or adding the college to the Applying List and selecting Early Decision as the application type
  1. Next, you will be prompted to add your parent/guardian or parent/guardian contact information and add your digital signature
Be sure to double check your parent information is entered correctly!
  1. After doing this, your parent/guardian and your counselor will then need to sign on their end next for the contract to be complete. They will both receive emails and notifications from Scoir to do so.
  2. Once your parent/guardian and counselor sign the contract, the contract is complete and ready to be sent to your early decision applying college by your counselor!
Please note: Only your counselor will be able to track status of this document for you once they send it to the college. Counselors are the only ones who can send documents to your colleges in Scoir.

How do I add my Parent/Guardian to sign the Early Decision contract?

To add a parent/guardian to your Early Decision contract, simply choose your guardian's name from the dropdown list, or if you do not have a guardian linked to your account in Scoir, you may enter in your guardian's contact information directly on this.

Be sure to enter your parent/guradians information in this section, and NOT your own. You or your counselor will need to completely reset the early decision contract by if this is entered wrong.

Scoir Notifications on your Early Decision Contract

When both your counselor and parent/guardian sign your ED Contract, you will receive a notification within your Messages tab notifications, alerting you that your ED Contract is complete.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What if I do not want to apply Early Decision anymore?

No problem, just mark the school as Did Not Apply by clicking on the college tile and expanding it.

If you still want to apply to the college, but do not want to apply early decision, just re-add it to your Applying list after doing this.

What if I entered my parent/guardian information incorrectly or they did not receive the email to sign the contract?

To remedy this, you will need to reset the contract. You can do this by marking the school as Did Not Apply by clicking on the college tile and expanding it.

You will then need to re-add the college to the Applying column as applying early decision again, which will reset the contract and start over the process following the directions above.

Can I complete a second Early Decision contract?
You can have only one active Early Decision contract on your profile.

To initiate a second Early Decision contract, the application outcome of the first college needs to be finalized first. You can update the outcome for the specific college under your My Colleges list. See directions for this here.

The outcome of the first ED contract has to be either Deferred or Denied in order to start a second ED contract. All other outcomes are not considered final.

After completing this, you can then initiate another early decision contract using the above directions.

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How did we do?

For Scoir connected students: Requesting a fee waiver

For Scoir connected students: Requesting transcripts
