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How to fill out letters of recommendations for non Scoir high school/international/transfer students

Customer Support Updated by Customer Support

Non Scoir High School students have the option to request letters of recommendation using Apply with Scoir! This process involves the student completing their Apply with Scoir application profile. In the Recommenders section of the application profile, the student will add Supporters' names and email addresses. Once the student fully submits their application profile to the college(s) of their choice, Supporters will receive an email, as shown below, notifying them that the student has requested a recommendation, along with the student's name.

This email will not be sent to you until the student submits their application to the college and assigns you as the recommender for that college. Please ensure the student completed both these steps.

Clicking on Manage Recommendation in the email will bring the Supporter to a new page, which will show additional information, including the FERPA status for the student. This will also provide a link to upload your letter of recommendation. (FERPA in a 'granted' status means it was signed by the student). All documents must be in a PDF format for upload (shown below).

If your login link has expired, a request for a new link will need to be made, using the same email as the one entered by the student initially. Directions on this are shown here.

Please note: there is a 10MB file size limit for recommendations (per recommendation.) Scoir only supports a PDF file. We do not support other file types, such as MS Word.

Drag and drop the file or click Upload Files and select Recommendation for type. This process needs to be completed only (1) time, and the letter will be forwarded to all of the colleges to which the student applied.

You will need to check off the acknowledgment checkbox confirming that the documents are correct in order to send the documents in order to proceed with sending of the recommendation document(s).

Be sure to double check your recommendation file before you upload! Once uploaded, you will not be able to delete or make any changes to the file. Further directions on this can be found here.

Once uploaded, and once you have checked of the acknowledgement checkbox, you can then click Send Documents. Once completed, there will be a green 'Complete' status on this, as shown below.

Please note: you will not receive a confirmation email once upload is completed.

If you accidentally upload an incorrect document, you will have a short time to replace this before clicking Send Documents:

Recommendation(s) can only be switched out or deleted prior to checking off the acknowledgment checkbox and sending the documents. Once the document is uploaded and sent, changes cannot be made and documents cannot be deleted, and the college would need to be contacted directly by you or your student to make any changes if needed.

Click on the three small dots next to the incorrect document

Next, click 'discard'. This will remove the document if it has not yet been sent to or batched for the college. You can then re-upload a new recommendation document as needed by following the steps above.

You will get something like the below error message when trying to submit, stating that the link has expired and you need request a new link by selecting the Request New Link button.

From there, enter your email address and click Send Log In Link. This will resend the email link to upload recommendations to Scoir on behalf of your student!

You can also access this page by going to and entering your email address to have the link resent as directed above.

Please note: Scoir Support does not have access to reset links. You will need to use the above directions to do this. Other alternatives available to send documents to colleges include using your legacy system, upload the documents directly to the college portal, or email the document to the college admissions office with the student's name in the subject line.

Saving your recommendation as a PDF file

If you are unfamiliar with how to get your MS Word document into a PDF format for upload, open your document. Using the top banner where you see "Word", click File and Save As.

Next, in the drop down selection, pick PDF and Save! You're done!

Video Walkthrough

How did we do?

For School Officials: Sending application documents for transfer, international, & unlinked students
