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For District Admins: Getting Started with a Network Account

If your school community includes multiple schools or campuses within a district, Scoir enables you to connect these schools into a Network. This way, you can use Scoir to oversee performance, manage goals, and collaborate seamlessly with other schools in your district from a single account. To get started, log into your district account and take a quick tour of the guide below.

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Network Dashboard

With our Network Dashboard, you get a bird's eye view of all the schools in your district with performance insights like:

  • Application Process (class application engagement and active applications)
  • Class Overview (student registration and activity, career profile completion, and reported standardized test scores)
  • College Data and Outcomes (including historical outcomes)
  • Student Performance (GPA, reported test scores, etc.)

You can also dive into each individual school's performance. Goal-tracking becomes much easier when viewing college and career readiness progress and performance by grade level.


Here, you’ll access the Email Center, where you can email all the schools in your district and send messages to counselors, students, and their parents or guardians. Draft, schedule, and monitor messages easily. You can also track email statuses, authors, and recipients and edit or delete messages before sending. Learn more


Here, you'll access Plans, Tasks, and Forms. These are helpful tools that can be used at the district level to create standardized guidance curriculums for all the students in your district, making it easy for you to provide consistent guidance across the board.  

Plus, by using these tools at the district level, you can ensure that student progress on Tasks and information collected from Form responses can move with them if they change schools within the district.This means better reporting and tracking for everyone! Take a look at the sections below to learn more about these features.


Use Plans to create a set of recurring tasks (which can include Forms) that can be automatically assigned to specific grade levels across your district and reused year after year. Additionally, counselors can view (but not edit) district plans that apply to students at their school. This is particularly helpful for districts with standardized milestones or annual student tasks. Additionally, if Plans are published at the district level, students' tasks and forms history can stay with them if they move to another school in the district. Learn how to use Plans


Once you've created a Plan and added tasks, this space makes it easy to see all the tasks and important details like the Plan it belongs to, start date, end date, and status. You can click on a task name to get a quick preview or click on the Plan name to see the overview. Use filters to sort tasks by start date, due date, topic, and status to find exactly what you need. You can also export a CSV file with all the students assigned to the tasks, including their completion status for each task.


Use Forms to standardize your data collection needs. You can create questionnaires, such as junior interest surveys or senior exit surveys, to gather specific information for local reports or educational guidelines. Customize the forms to fit your district's requirements by adding questions and details using the form builder.

Additionally, you can map form fields to custom properties. This enables you to collect valuable information from students that is made available on the school student rosters. Counselors can then build customized views and easily export this data to fulfill requirements. Once created, these forms can be included in a task for student access across all schools in the district. Plus, when students transfer between schools within your district, their form responses can move with them. Learn how to use Forms

Network Settings

In Network Settings, you can create and manage custom properties.

Custom Properties

Accessing custom properties from Network Settings in a network account

Custom Properties are fields you create to track specific student information in your district. If there's no existing field for the data you need, you can create your own. Once set up at the district level, these fields can be used across all schools in your network, ensuring consistent data for any reporting requirements. Setting up these properties at the network level also makes it possible for custom property data to transfer with students between schools, so information is not lost.

If you’d like to capture this unique information directly from students, We recommend using custom properties in a form. This makes sure that when students fill out the form, their responses automatically update the custom property fields, which are then reflected in the student roster visible to counselors. Learn how to create Custom Properties


Managing users as a district

Go to Users to add and manage staff members and edit their roles. Learn more

Your Profile

District profile

Personal Profile

Select Personal Profile to update your title easily, contact details, notification preferences, account email, or reset your password.


Click on Support to access our Help Center, where you can find articles to help answer your questions.

We hope this guide has been useful in helping you get started with your Network account! If you're not currently using Network Management with Scoir, please feel free to reach out to your Customer Success Manager to discuss activating this feature.

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For District Admins: Logging into Your District or Network Account
