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For Counselors: How to disenroll/delete students when using Clever

On the right hand side of your dashboard, you should see a Data Sync Summary (example shown below). To disenroll or delete students marked for deletion from Scoir, click into the '#' students (in red) or View All button on the lower right hand corner, which will bring you to the list of those students.

For Inactive Students

Click into the student's name and at the top right of their profile click delete.

For Active Students

The Delete button will show if the student has never registered or logged into Scoir, however, if a student who has previously registered for Scoir has now left your school and is 'marked for deletion', you'll see a Disenroll button instead. If you disenroll a student, their data will remain until if/when you decide to delete them entirely from your school.

After you've deleted/disenrolled a student, go back to your dashboard and click again into the number of Total students marked for deletion above and work your way through the list.

Scoir is aware this is not an ideal solution and we are hoping to develop a mass delete capabilities in the future. 

How did we do?

For Counselors: How to Remove Students from Scoir

For Counselors: Recording scholarships and awards for students
