For Students: First Generation Students

Congratulations on deciding to go to college! The college search and application process can be daunting, especially if your support network at home hasn’t been through it before. But you’re not alone. Each year thousands of first generation students start college. 

What does it mean to be a first generation student?

Colleges use the term “first generation” to describe students who are the first in their family to go to college. You may see it abbreviated as “first-gen.”

Not all schools define being a first generation student the same way. Some colleges take into account whether siblings, grandparents, or other household members attended college. Other colleges may take into consideration whether parents or family members took any college courses, received a 2-year degree, or a 4-year degree. If you identify as a first generation student, be sure to read how the schools you’re applying to define the term.

How does Scoir identify first generation students?

We define being a first generation student as when neither parent has received a 4-year college degree. When setting up your profile in Scoir, be sure to answer the question about whether you identify as first-generation. 

Why identify as first generation?

Some colleges offer application fee waivers, scholarships, special events and other support resources for first-generation students. Navigating the sometimes complex systems at colleges can be a challenge, but at Scoir, we’re committed to helping you throughout your entire college search to find the best school for you.

student, profile

How did we do?

For Students: Updating your personal information

For Students: FERPA Release and FERPA Waiver
